Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Music critic

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Who has the most strength

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

We may see the twister, dust and clouds from far away but we never foresee the destruction.

Monday, January 29, 2024

A new world


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Something to focus on


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Counter clockwise.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The orange cat

Hi Natty!  How are you, Honey?  Are you enjoying the ride?  You are MY girl, and I love you with all my heart.  Please keep safe and healthy OK!

I saw an orange cat sniffing around my yard.  It doesn't mean anything whatsoever, just a cat looking for a spot to mark its territory.  By the way, I need to remind the locals that if I fail to build a house here for my wife then I will be forced to move out of this village in order to be married.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

90.  They are those who have been given guidance from Allah, so follow their guidance.  Say, "I do not ask anything in return for this".  This is only a reminder for the worlds.

The Cattle 6:90

Friday, January 26, 2024

Art imitates AI

Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  Busy, I'm sure.  Please get plenty of rest, and keep safe and healthy.  I love you with all my heart.

Since I bitched about the billionaires yesterday, my cell phone got flooded with Jewish media this morning.  I didn't know Trump was secretly Jewish.  Is this another skit to help him win the election?  And since when since the Jews think they are the majority?  Oh, Elon said at the Holocaust Memorial that just because they're the oppressed minority it doesn't mean they're good.  Sounds like a prepared statement.  Jewish media is backed up with more Jewish media.  Logistics!  So at least I know now who not to trust.  It is MY cell phone, after all.  

There was room in YouTube to watch something else.  I find the video above to be similar to an AI generated music video I posted here some time ago.  The concept is to zoom in to reveal more images.  This concept is older than AI, it's like zooming in to a Mandelbrot set.  But the Mandelbrot is math, not AI.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The billionaires


Hi Natty!  How are you?  How's the family?  How are people treating you?  Trying to sweep you off your feet, I'm sure.  Tell them you're MY girl.  I love you with all my heart.  Please keep safe and healthy.

Billionaires typically seem like selfish people who think that resources are infinite and that everyone else should make their own billion instead of asking them for handouts.  We often see them profiteer from charity, or get some sort of tax break.  So it was surprising for me to see this video of Elon Musk talking about turning an office building into a homeless shelter.  But it didn't happen, so it was just talk.  Just another billionaire.  At least he doesn't lock himself up in a bunker.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Life is a beer commercial

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today?  I hope you are feeling great and having a splendid time.  It does get lonely at the top, that's no cliche.  Because it's a matter of trust: those outside your ranks will not fail to corrupt you.  So stick close to your inner circle, and pray that they don't become corrupt.  Keep safe and healthy.

That AI generated beer commercial is actually quite accurate.  Of how a life devoted to the pursuit of fun turns out to be.  Life is not like a beer commercial.  This life is to be spent preparing for the next life.  Sure, we have to try to stay alive.  To prepare for the next life.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

83.  And they ask you about Zulkarnain.  Say, "I will recite to you of his story".

The Cave 18:83

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The tooth

Hi Natty!  How are you?  How's business?  You know what Honey, it's not just NY and LA but global.  What matters is that your attitude is above them both.  Not arrogance, but awareness.  You are MY girl, and that's the bottom line in this fashion business game.  Make sure you have tons of fun, and keep safe and healthy.  I love you with all my heart.

I went to the dentist yesterday to get a tooth pulled out.  At my age, I don't remove teeth unless I absolutely have to and this one was making me lose sleep.  It was a useless tooth: it lost its opposite back in the USA, so it had been doing nothing but catch debris for 20 years.  I should have taken that thing out of my skull 12 years ago but at my age, I don't remove teeth unless I absolutely have to.  Definitely not a blessing.  But now that it's gone, I feel like I'm flying!  Alhamdulillah.

Monday, January 22, 2024

The beauty filter

Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  I'm guessing you are back in business in SoCal.  Lol I wouldn't like NYC even if I had lots of money.  If you like LA that's great for you, I hope you have tons of fun.  Please do keep safe and healthy.

The beauty filter doesn't work on those who are already beautiful.  They don't work on the hopelessly butt-ugly, either.  But I'm sure they could fix that for the butt-ugly if they tried hard enough, and there will be big bucks for them.  Hell, they might as well go all the way and make a face and body filter that can turn fat hairy pigs into dainty little kitty cats.  Which wouldn't be fair on the boys of course, but at least they get to jerk off.  It is the end of the world, after all.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Just don't do it

Hi Natty!  How are you today?  I hope that all is well with you, and you are having a wonderful day.  I'm doing OK.  Please keep safe and healthy, my love.

Damon Amani later apologized to the WEF.  You shouldn't have to apologize, Damon.  Feel sorry if you must, for the enslaved.  The economic instability they are experiencing is all because they consume interest.  Now they need more slaves.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

A pretty face

Hi Natty!  How you doin' Honey?  Are you still in New York?  That must have been fun.  What else went down?  Did you meet with Anna Wintour?  You both probably wouldn't get along.  I don't need more fame.  What I need is to to be married to my Natty.  I need to strengthen my computer and Internet connection.  I need new sarongs of the best quality.  I need to not live in the shadow of eviction.  I need to build a house for my wife.  I need to buy a ring.  I need a car so I can get to the mosque when it rains.  I need musical instruments.  I need to prepare for Judgement Day.  Ya Allah, please grant me all that I need.  Anyway, please keep safe and healthy Honey.

Ew!  Face mites!  Is that the essence of the pimple popping videos?  Ew!  That makes it more fascinating...

Friday, January 19, 2024

Love is a battlefield

Hi Natty!  My, you look stunning.  You've grown into the finest looking woman I've ever seen in my life.  You're wearing fashion designer attire, I've seen them wear that type of getup to draw attention away from themselves.  So you didn't get New York but you got something better, don't you agree?  It's getting more intense for me/us globally, I really need to stay put and stand my ground.  So enjoy your travels while you are young, Natty.  I have to admit Honey, I get serious withdrawals without my Natty fix.  So please don't forget to talk to me, because I love you.  Keep safe and healthy.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

105.  And say, "Work, and Allah will observe your work, so will God's messenger and the believers, and you will be returned to the One Who Knows what is hidden and what is open, and you will be informed of all that you did."

The Repentance 9:105

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Where did all the food go?


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

I think Anna enjoyed my exposé on the 10000 year clock.  Food needs to be shared with those who can't afford it, and when the wealthy stockpile things it also includes food.  This compounded with other factors like mentioned in the video above, and that fewer people invest labor in producing food.  They would rather be gaming.  I mean, doing tech.

But protecting the food supply chain will be difficult because the people we want to protect are complacent, and will be quick in treachery for the sake of their own wallets.  These same people are so in awe of the billionaires, that they allow themselves to be enslaved by them.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

What to do with all that wealth?  Feed the poor?  Seek security of course, and a nice place to be left alone.  That mountain he's building a clock (tax write off) in sure looks like a great place for a bunker.  Isolated out in the wilderness and accessible only by foot or helicopter.  It would be convenient to have a spouse who can fly a helicopter.  Hikers are still a problem, though.  He will need armed guard to patrol the area 24/7, and he will need to protect himself from his own army.  Supplies will need to be stockpiled before locking the front door: you can't just run to the supermarket when you run out of milk.  Of course you could get it delivered, but what's the point of delivery when you barricade yourself in when people start eating each other?  Are you sure that area is tectonically stable?  One can never know you know, a chain reaction from across the globe might generate a sinkhole in a place already weakened by all that digging.  An earthquake wouldn't be fun at all.  Perhaps you should start praying.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The birds

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.💔

Yes, the birds do visit my home.  Just like any other house.  They are mostly interested in the huge tree growing on top of my grandfather's old house.  It's massive, but it needs to be taken down in order to build a house for my wife inshaAllah.  Should I take it down?  That spot is haunted anyway.  Jinns.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

144.  And a pair of camels and a pair of oxen. Say, “Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or what is in the wombs of the two females? Or were you present when Allah gave you this commandment?” Who does more wrong than those who fabricate lies against Allah to mislead others without knowledge? Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

The Cattle 6:144

Monday, January 15, 2024

Don't just eat any bug

Hi Natty!  Hi there, beautiful girl!  I hope you are feeling great today.  Please don't kiss any of those pretty girls over there, because you are mine.  Keep safe and healthy OK!

The star of today's episode is Otto.  Although he did his best to strike a pose, he didn't look his best because he felt queasy.  I think he ate a cockroach.  He threw it up, and it made him drool for days.  I suppose there are edible bugs, but I would rather not eat bugs at all.  Otto would agree with me.  I made ginger chicken with eggplant and steamed rice for dinner.  Cautious as he was, Otto helped give my cooking a 6 out of 7 on the cat scale.  Protect the food supply chain now!  Give the bugs to Bill Gates, have him eat it.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Bouncy ball

Hi Natty!  Howdy cowgirl!  I hope you are having tons of fun over there.  Relax and enjoy the ride!  Keep safe and healthy, of course.  I love you with all of my heart!

Gotta quarter?  I used to collect bouncy balls.  I don't know: some people collect art, I collected bouncy balls.  Not cat toys: the cat would lose them.  But I lost my collection when I had to move out of my apartment in Tempe.  But I still have this one from that time.  It got dark over the years, but it still bounces well.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Tepuk dada tanya selera

Hi Natty!  How are you, Honey?  Yes, I'm right here.  You relax now, and have an easy life.  Please keep safe and healthy.

"Tepuk dada tanya selera" means somewhat "slap your chest and ask your appetite".  That's no idiom in English, but over here it makes people fat.  Plus the addiction to sugar.  Anyway, I bought some chicken breast a couple of days ago, and I fried up the skin to make artificial bacon bits.  Makes a huge difference in ramen!

Friday, January 12, 2024

The big dogs are coming to town

Hi Natty!  Hi Honey!  Your presence is certainly a gift.  Thank you for your love.  I love you too!  Please keep safe and healthy, and have tons of fun!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mary Unknown7, her voice, image and likenesses are trademarks of Shadowplay, a registered business of Malaysia (RA 0021863-H)

Hi Natty!  How you doing, Honey?  Being an upstanding member of your society, I expect.  Please don't prefer unbelievers for friends and protectors over believers.  I'm not doing much, just chilling.  You keep safe and healthy now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Movie night

Hi Natty!  Oh yes, that was an awesome photo shoot in Vancouver.  You came up with some fabulous pictures, and you are absolutely beautiful.  I love you with all my heart.  I hope you are having tons of fun, and keeping safe and healthy.

Anyway, it's movie night!  Please watch a movie with me.  "Die Another Day" (2002).  Oh, that's the year André died.  I'm still alive, alhamdulillah.  I saw this movie at the theater when it came out.  I also have this movie in my collection, so I was able to skip the opening credits.  Yeah, Bond had gone major label by this time.  And major label is more about connections than music.  It's not even about materialism: that's just a tool.  I'm not major label, so Shadowplay may never be in a Bond movie.  Intriguing, huh!  Do I want to work with them?  Nah!  Forget it!  Let them worship Allah.  Or let them have Madonna sing every theme from now on, I'm sure that's what people want to look at.  You could write a few Bond movies about my music business lol.  My favorite part of this movie is obviously the sword fight.  Gustav Graves is a great baddie, but a bit too young.  The best Bond villains are ugly old men.  People we love to hate.  Come on, people!  You have so many to choose from!  Look at the politicians and the wealthy!  Bond movies just don't have any balls anymore.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

No farmers no food

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

No farmers no food, and that's only one aspect of it.  Food shortage is imminent.  Protect the food supply chain now.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

50.  Say, "Explain to me if there came to you the Wrath of God by night or day, which punishment is asked to be hastened by the sinners?"

Jonah 10:50

Monday, January 8, 2024

James Bond

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

So who's going to be the next James Bond?  I sure hope they don't mess with his character: he's meant to be a callous womanizer.  So what if people hate that?  Make them love to hate it.  I repeat: MAKE THEM LOVE TO HATE IT.  The last real man on earth.  As for old versus new movies, there are good and bad on both sides.  The old movies did have the advantage of a smaller budget, so they were forced to focus on human details like story, situation, and character.  I suppose you could credit Ian Fleming for that.  But if he were alive today, he probably wouldn't know how to use a cell phone.  Anyway, here are a few of my favorite Bond moments:

Sunday, January 7, 2024

What the hell do I do with this?

Hi Natty?  How are you feeling, Honey?  I'm guessing the holidays were hell on the hormones.  Where are you now?  Are you in New York?  Please don't forget to talk to me, because I love you.  It's about a 3 day window before I need a Natty fix.  Today is day 3.  You don't have to do a photo shoot, just email me.  What a life, huh!  Don't look back, Natty.  It's the other wife who looks back, not you.  Please keep safe and healthy.

I was at the Chinese grocery store the other day to get some peanuts, and I saw pistachios going for cheap so I bought half a kilo.  But they weren't pistachios: they were gingko nuts.  What do I do with these?  They either have a meaty flavor to them, or they taste like chestnuts.  I hate chestnuts, but the meaty flavor has potential.  So I roasted the lot to no effect.  The dried up ones could use salt, so I shelled them all last night while watching TV in order to roast them again in oil and salt.  That took me 2 hours and hurt my thumbnail.  Was it worth it?  Probably not.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

84.  Say, "We believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and in given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord.  We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will."

The Family of Imran 3:84

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Size is the difference

Hi Natty!  How are you?  Did something spook you?  It was probably nothing.  It was probably just a social spook.  I've lived in the city: the solution is not to be seen.  Your profile has gotten bigger.  We all dream about the big life, but we don't know what it's like until we get there.  Know who you are: you are MY girl, and I love you with all my heart.  Don't you worry about a thing, my beautiful Honey.  Everything will work out fabulously for us inshaAllah.  At least YOU get to have money.  Keep safe and healthy OK!  Ya Allah, please protect my Natty.

There seems to be some sort of trend in Japan, where they serve large portions and people come in droves.  The food is nothing special.  The cook in the video is so small compared to the portions he serves and his patrons.  That might be a business edge: if you don't have anything special to offer, just serve large portions and charge more.  People will think it's delicious.  I couldn't finish watching the video.  I got full in less than halfway through.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

219.  They ask you concerning wine and gambling.  Say, "In them is great sin and some benefit for humans, but the sin is greater than the benefit."  They ask you how much they are to spend.  Say, "What is beyond your needs."  Thus does Allah make clear to you God's Signs, in order that you may consider.

The Heifer 2:219

Friday, January 5, 2024

Gunhilde's great adventure

Hi Natty!  How you doin' today, Honey?  How's the family?  I hope that all is well with you over there.  Don't get overwhelmed with all this globalism.  In the end, we're just another couple trying to get together.  Please keep safe and healthy for us.

My female cats are in heat right now, so I keep them separated from the boys in the kitty litter room.  Gunhilde escaped the room by weakening the barrier I set up at the window.  This leads to my grandfather's old house right next to mine, only about a meter away.  Gunhilde being an indoors cat since birth, had a sensory overload and became frightened.  She hid within the rubble and I didn't see her again until Mary was singing, when I saw Gunhilde outside cautiously inspecting the grass.  I tried to bring her inside but she was still frightened, and fled into the rubble.  Eventually the princess figured out that I was her ticket back into the palace, and I found her at sunset sitting on my motorcycle waiting for me.  Alhamdulillah she didn't get eaten or anything, she just missed a meal.  But the stress of her adventure made her puke out her next meal.  What a pampered pussycat.

You try to chase a frightened cat in this mess.  This is the same mess I have to clean up in order to build a house for my wife.  I can't even get started!  **Sob*"

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Bok choy

Hi Natty!  Hi Honey, it's good to see you.  Did you have a wealthy Christmas?  I hope you are having a wonderful time over there.  You probably don't know what to say to me, but I believe we really do need each other.  Just be mundane, how you feel, what's going on.  Please keep safe and healthy, OK.  I love you.

It seems to me that the humans will invest all their labor into tech, that they'll forget to invest labor into food.  But for right now, I'm still able to go to the market.  I bought some bok choy!  You eat both the leaves and stems.  I recently rebooted my fried noodles routine, and I think I perfected it.  InshaAllah.  This time, with bok choy.  The cats approved.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

People are tattooing names on their foreheads, but I don't think the earth has changed the direction of its spin just yet.  The hot season began right on schedule here, January 1.  That's when it got hot and windy.  I spent the last couple of evenings burning trash coconuts, before things get too dry.  Intense storms don't really happen that often around here.  Sure it gets wet, but it's not often that God blows out adult trees.  The sea isn't that deep either, but it is muddy.  Which makes it great for shellfish and snails, but what about lobster?  I don't the locals have ever beheld lobsters, but if they grew in Vietnam then they can grow here.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

16.  Say, "If Allah had so willed, I should not have rehearsed it to you, or would God have made it known to you.  A whole lifetime before this have I tarried amongst you.  Will you not understand?"

Jonah 10:16

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Oh crap

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

I feel bad for the poor guy who got "KRUD" tattooed on his forehead, but I couldn't stop laughing.  Nowadays, people just say whatever they want to say, there's no restraint anymore.  It doesn't matter if it's over the air or whatever, have some restraint people!  But also, that victim shouldn't have been so gullible.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

90.  They are those who were given guidance by Allah, so follow the guidance.  Say, "I ask no recompense for this".  This is only a reminder for the worlds.

The Cattle 6:90

143.  8 in pairs: of sheep a pair and of goats a pair.  Say, "Has God forbidden the two males or the two females or which the wombs of the two females enclose?" Tell me with knowledge if you are truthful.

The Cattle 6:143

Monday, January 1, 2024


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Happy New Year, folks!  Occasionally I find new music that I like.  I found out about Knower last week.  Very technical and polished stuff.  Sure the music is good, but I get the sensation that Genevieve is deeply in love with Louis.  How long has she been with you, Louis?  14 years?  And she put on a leotard and wriggled in front of the camera for you in a song about masturbation?  Louis doesn't seem like a romantic guy.  You should hang on tight to that singer, Louis.  She's the best you're going to get.  And you shouldn't be singing Louis, or you will demote your music to the level of comedy.  I recommend that you collaborate with a talented poet.  Whoops!  I just saw Genevieve's solo video.  That's definitely a better outfit than the leotard.  Musically, she needs Louie.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

161.  Say, "Verily my Lord has guided me to a way that is straight, the religion of right, the path of Abraham the true in faith, and he joined not gods with Allah".

The Cattle 6:161