Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Oh, I'm doing OK over here.  I'm just watching the girlie whirlies dance on TV as usual.  I wish I had my Sweetie, but she's busy being a supermodel.  She's very pretty.  But it looks I like I won't be kissing anyone on New Year's Eve except my cats.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

I don't want an IPhone

Hi Natty!  Were you waiting for me?  I'm waiting for you!  I hope you are having tons of fun this holiday season, and keeping safe and healthy.  I love you with all my heart.

My carrier has been bugging me lately with ads to join a drawing for an iPhone.  You use an iPhone Natty, right?  I don't want an iPhone.  You can go ahead and carry the Apple flag in the family.

Friday, December 29, 2023

How did she know

Hi Natty!  That was one hell of a full moon, huh!  I had to take my mother to the hospital first thing this morning.  While I waited for her, I watched the moon in the sky.  There were some fast clouds underneath, and the moon was so bright, like the morning sun.  Don't you worry about a thing my beautiful sweetheart, everything will turn out marvelously for us inshaAllah.  I love you with all my heart.  Please keep safe and healthy.

Hey, how did that girlie whirly know that Mary works at Olive Garden?  Don't tell anyone!  You might get her fired.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Book review

Hi Natty!  I love you too, Honey.  Deep in thought?  When it seems that mass media is being nice to us and you, please don't take it seriously.  Consider it as similar to really nice persons who are actually serial killers, who have to appear as nice so they can get close to their victims so they can abduct them.  Mass media is treacherous, so treat it as such.  Please keep safe and healthy OK!

OK Anna, you can get out of the bathroom now.  Here is my book review on the Vogue December 2023 issue.  Is Vogue a fashion or a pop culture magazine?  I regard it as a fashion magazine, and I always look at the pictures and ads first.  Ralph Lauren is the winner in this issue, but that blue Ferragamo dress is pretty nice too.  The featured art is like a schalmei band playing at a wedding anniversary party.  It's interesting, I suppose.  I like to see advertising being relevant to fashion.  Even the pet food ads: I have 7 cats.  Lagerfeld only had one!  Anna hasn't been interested in my cooking ever since she came out of heat.  Being in heat is a big deal to a cat.  Huge.  She is now a strictly kibble cat.  Kibble is nice and safe, but boring to us humans.  But she didn't even want any kibble this morning and she's always trying to pee, so I took her to the vet.  The vet said that she was under a lot of stress from being in heat and not getting porked.  Poor little Anna!  You can talk to me if you want, I'm always here.  But I already have a sweetie, her name is Natty.  Anyway, I rate this issue of Vogue as "recycle".

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Do you agree?

Hi Natty!  How's my beautiful Honey?  I hope you're having tons of fun being a gorgeous and fabulous supermodel.  Always keep safe and healthy!  So what do you think of these 2 videos?  As for me, let's just say I've built my ark and I know who I'm taking with me.  inshaAllah.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Hi Natty!  Oh my God, so much stuff!  I would love to go shopping.  I need to buy lots of toys, I mean tools.  For clothes, I badly need 4 new sarongs of the best quality.  The ones I have now are getting really thin, they can see the outline of my pee pee when I'm at the mosque.  If I had a big dick that would probably be OK, but I don't.  What did you eat for Christmas?  We wanna see!  Me?  It's just another day.  My ramen was awesome!  Alhamdulillah!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Not a blessing

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling?  I hope you are feeling great and enjoying yourself.  Also I hope you realize that our sustenance comes from Allah and not the contracts we sign.  Even when Allah grants me the means to marry you inshaAllah, I will still have to wait for you to free yourself from your contractual obligations.  Yes Honey, I knew that from the beginning.  Just like I knew the song.  Allah didn't forbid my seeking another wife.  I chose you and I chose your well being.  I love you.  Please keep safe and healthy.

I spent last evening from 9 to 11 pm listening to music.  It's a great time for me to listen to music because I'm not drowsy.  Lately I enjoy it more, and now my subwoofer is tuned right.  I try to seek new music but cell phone Internet is so spotty, plus I'm hard to impress.  I like music that gets to my heart.  So most of the time I listen to nostalgia.  Yeah I know, nostalgia is death.  In 1985, I was thrilled when Spandau Ballet's "Parade" came out.  This particular song struck me, even though I didn't understand it.  Today it sounds like a song about music business.  Music business crookery is old hat now, but people still get taken.  "With the Pride" is a beautiful song.  That is a blessing, even though it wasn't a hit.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

150.  Say, "Bring your witnesses who can prove that Allah forbids this".  If they do provide witnesses, do not bear witness with them.  Do not follow the desires of those who deny Our Signs and those who don't believe in the afterlife, and they join partners with God.

The Cattle 6:150

Saturday, December 23, 2023

You major labels are all the same

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, Honey?  What are you drinking?  I just had my ramen, if you could call that a drink.  I love ramen!  I hope you are feeling easy breezy, and keeping safe and healthy.  I love you with all of my heart.

Doesn't she realize that by the time I can afford a subscription to US Vogue, I won't need any association with Vogue?  I tell you what Anna, when the time comes I'll just buy the local Vogue off the newsstand.  If it were available out here in the sticks lol.  That's much cheaper than getting an international subscription.  Then I will do a review of your book.  Does that sound good to you?

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

102.  Thus they wait not but for the same as what happened to those before them.  Say, "So wait, I will wait along with you".

Jonah 10:102

Friday, December 22, 2023

The lizard hole

Hi Natty!  Oh, what a pleasant day in the woods.  I wish I were there with you.  It looks really wet.  I'm glad to see you dress modestly when you're not working.  You must be aware that God has made you scary beautiful lately, so it's wise not to show yourself off.  Plus, it matches the shoes.  Please keep safe and healthy.  I don't know if you would enjoy the jungles here just as much, but I will take you there someday inshaAllah.  My mother owns an orchard out in the jungle, passed on by my grandfather.  I remember spending much time there as a kid, most of my seniors were addicted to durians.  No one goes there now and it is unkempt.  Too much labor.

The trouble with the jungle is not so much the foliage, but the beasts.  They are overwhelming!  This area where I live used to be jungle and rice fields.  The jungle has gone, but the beasts remain.  Big snakes and lizards are a common sight.  One big lizard dug a hole by a pole in my back yard.  I stuffed the hole with rocks and bricks, but it kept digging.  You can see it in the photo below.  I have never been able to kill one of those lizards, but I got my first chance when the cats pointed out the lizard trying to get into the hole.  It was a huge one!  So fat that it got its head stuck.  So I grabbed my metal staff, and rained blows on it.  It was hard to aim at the hole by the pole, but I got a couple of solid hits on it.  I think I broke its back, because it didn't move its hind legs.  So I kept hitting it until it slowly crawled all the way into the hole with its front legs.  It's still down there, I will know for sure that it's dead when I smell it.  It must have been a female looking for a nest.  What, live and let live?  Are you kidding me?  Die, die, DIE!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Worth the wait

Hi Natty!  You look so beautiful even in modest clothing, and how I long to be with you.  I love you with all my heart.  Oh Honey, I'm truly sorry about all this waiting.  I don't know if it will be worth the wait, you can see for yourself how crazy and how global our marriage is.  At least we will be together inshaAllah, I believe we need each other.  In the meantime you get to have a nice career, and you don't have to suffer the things I have to put up with.  Please be patient and pray, and keep safe and healthy.

By the way, tell Anna that since she already has my email, she might as well negotiate something that would be beneficial for both of us.  Just be straightforward and don't behave like spam.  That way, she can stop howling in her sleep.  **Sigh**

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Stuck in their ways

Hi Natty!  Yes Honey, I remember that Sid Neigum dress.  I think it's very elegant, and it suits you well.  I also recall that pose, and it still makes me uncomfortable.  The outfit is nice however, and the pose really shows off the skirt.  Perhaps after we are married inshaAllah, you could do that pose for me in the bedroom and I won't be so uncomfortable.  I haven't seen that suit, but to me it's the best of the 3 outfits.  I expect you are busy consoling Vogue and the fashion industry for not being "en vogue".  That's because they're stuck in their ways, and dare not go where no man has gone before.  Keep safe and healthy, Honey.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Hi Natty!  Hm... that dress really does show off and flatter your behind.  It's so elegant that it could be formal.  The black and white photos look better.  Please keep safe and healthy during these busy times, Honey.

I may be poor but I have accumulated a lot of junk over the years, piling up and bursting out of my closets.  Stuff that I bought over the years which broke down that I thought I could repair or repurpose, and garbage coming out of my parents' house.  A few days ago I finally did a trash detail, and got rid of some of it.  There's no time anymore for all that junk, a brutal reminder that humans can only accomplish what they desire to accomplish.  Some of that junk includes software.  In 2004, I happened to have an extra RM39.90 and bought a DVD set of anime titled "Ikkitousen".  I guess I got sold by the cover, of fighting girls in skimpy and shredded Japanese school uniforms.  The cartoon art is sub par to others, which isn't a big deal when it comes to Sailor Moon, but this isn't Sailor Moon.  At least the animation is smooth!  Compared to the videos I made of Mary in Second Life.  Those videos could be SO much nicer if I had more powerful computers, like my enemies possess.  Yeah, more junk to buy.  But it's not junk if I used it.  It's a tool.  A weapon.

Monday, December 18, 2023


Hi Natty!  How's it going today, Honey?  Back to business, I'm sure.  Are you going to be spending Christmas with the parents this year?  Or do you have to work through the holidays?  As long as you have tons of fun, and keeping safe and healthy.  

I don't get any holidays.  Ya Allah, please ease my financial burdens.  I don't mind so much working until I die.  It's Monday over here.  I took my mother to the hospital in the morning.  Tonight is the night market, so I will have fried chicken inshaAllah.  Want some?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Don't cry over onions

Natty, you're so beautiful!  Those arm warmers are the same as long gloves, so with that dress you look kind of formal.  I think you would look awesome in formal wear.  Oh yeah, shoes...  Whatever.  I love you with all my heart, Natty.  Keep safe and healthy OK!

I wanted to make ranch dressing this morning, but the price of onions suddenly spiked.  What was there was crappy.  I think it's because of excessive moisture.  I didn't want to pay for that, good thing I had a few onions left over at home.  The ranch came out a bit thick.  Hooray!  Yummy!

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

135.  They say, "Become Jews or Christians if you would be guided."  Say, "No!  The religion of Abraham the True: and he joined not gods with Allah."

The Heifer 2:135

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Movie night

Hi Natty!  You are looking absolutely lovely, my love.  There's something about cashmere that hugs the skin, we can see your underwear.  Did it snow over there?  Make sure you keep warm.  Keep safe and healthy too.

I've had to throw out the metronome when writing a couple of bass parts lately, it just didn't groove right.  Speaking of timing, it's movie night!  "The Equalizer 3" (2023).  All the Equalizer movies are great, and Denzel is one of the best.  I'm happy to see Robert finding a home at last.  Is this the last one?  I guess he does need to retire.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

101.  Say, "Observe what is in the sky and on the earth!"  Of no use are the signs and messengers that give reminders to those who have no faith.

Jonah 10:101

Friday, December 15, 2023

Second language

Hi Natty!  You are looking beautiful, Honey.  Is that NYC?  It looks like NYC.  I suppose you would be wearing a coat then.  You must still be in Los Angeles.  Nice outfit, a modest sophistication.  You do look cold, though.  Please keep warm, safe and healthy.

How long now have you been in Los Angeles?  Can you speak Spanish now?  I can't speak Spanish.  Neither can Mary.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Why not tea?

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

Tea, salmon and rice?  If the Japanese ate tea and salmon together, why not use tea in ramen?  So that's what I did for lunch: used a tea bag instead of miso.  Tea is essentially a vegetable broth which we normally consume with sugar.  I didn't use sugar but the usual savory items like seaweed, beef bone, salted fish, soy sauce, garlic, onion, carrots with a touch of MSG.  There was a ring of scum at the side of the bowl most likely from the fish, which for the sake of the photo, I removed with a swab of toilet paper (which the dumb ass cat stole and ate).  The result was a darkened and intensified seaweed broth.  It didn't taste strange at all.  It tasted like... a bowl of ramen.  The cats liked today's ramen.  They rated it 5 out of 7.  Usually only the boys and mama cat like ramen.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Harvesting the deep

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

I was at the Tuesday market yesterday, and there was squid there.  Tiny, though.  I hate processing small squid.  The sea water around here isn't that deep,  so the squid don't get big.  There must be a lot of meat in the deep ocean.  Deep waters are so dangerous, though.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Movie night

Hi Natty!  Were you worrying about me?  Don't worry, be happy!  I love you, you're MY girl!  What are you drinking?  It's iced tea for me, no sugar.  Keep safe and healthy OK!

It's movie night again!  Please watch a movie with me!  "Alita: Battle Angel" (2019).  There's a quote in the movie, "Would you rather be a slave in heaven or a ruler in hell?"  The trouble with this life is that all of it is hell, with maybe a few glimpses of heaven.  Unless you can get a man to go through hell for you so you don't have to.  In this movie, Alita is the girl.  Isn't it interesting how technology changes in just a couple of years?  Alita's eyes are on cell phones everywhere now.  If they had waited a couple of years, they could have saved millions on special effects.  This is a great movie and character.  Sequel, please.

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Antichrist

Hi Natty!  Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  I think about you all the time.  I love you with all my heart.  I hope you are keeping safe and healthy over there.

In Islam, the Antichrist is known as the "Dajjal".

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

94.  They will present their excuses to you when you return to them.  Say you, "Present no excuses, we shall not believe you: Allah has already informed us of the true state of matters concerning you."  It is your actions that Allah and God's messenger will observe.  In the end will you be brought back to God Who knows what is hidden and what is open.  Then will God show you the truth of all that you did.

The Repentance 9:94

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Qur'an 20231211

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1.  Say, "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind".

2.  The King of mankind.

3.  The God of mankind.

4.  From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws.

5.  Who whispers into the hearts of mankind.

6.  Among jinns and among men.

Mankind 114:1-6

Fear of death

Hi Natty!  What are you thinking about?  I guess it's busy for you over there.  So please make sure you take good care of yourself, keep safe and healthy.  Everyday is busy for me, or it isn't, depends on where you're looking from.  I have to work everyday without holidays, so I must pace myself and take time to relax.

It's more important to fear Allah than to fear death.  Yet some people want to live forever, without ever dying first.  Eternal life is not for this life.  Old age is proof of that.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Qur'an 20231210

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1.  Say, "I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn."

2.  From the mischief of created things.

3.  From the mischief of darkness as it spreads.

4.  From the mischief of those who practice secret arts.

5.  And from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy.

The Daybreak 113:1-5

The village

 Hi Natty!  What's so funny?  I hope you are having a marvelous time over there.  Please do keep safe and healthy for us OK!

If this village became prosperous, that's because Allah is being kind to you.  In return, you must be kind to Allah.  Or to be more specific, you must be kind to the local mosque because it has become the center of the world.  This means that besides Allah, your online friends can also see that you're not there for the 5 daily prayers.  "Muslims".

My beloved Natty, I believe that your love and chastity for me is sincere, so I want to reward you by giving you the same in return.  Even if this village became inundated with beautiful blonde supermodels, I will not abandon you inshaAllah.  Please pray for me, because I am a nervous and lonely old man with a broken and diseased heart.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

25.  Say, "You shall not be questioned as to our sins, nor shall we be questioned as to what you do".

Sheba 34:25

Friday, December 8, 2023

Qur'an 20231209

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1.  Say, "God is Allah, the One and Only".

2.  Allah the Eternal, Absolute.

3.  God begets not, nor is God begotten.

4.  And there is none like unto God.

The Purity of Faith 112:1-4

The unwanted pussy

Hi Natty!  Now there's that smile, hiding behind wind-swept hair.  You should smile more for your serious photos, Honey.  You have a beautiful smile.  Please keep safe and healthy during these busy times.

Poor little Anna is still in heat.  When Jane is in heat, everyone wants to pork her.  But nobody wants to pork Anna.   Papa cat is indifferent, and the boys just want to torment her.  She's such a sweet and pretty kitty.  Poor little Anna.  That's good for me I guess, birth control.  But I keep her separated just to be safe.  Just in case it's all an act.  I love her, if no one else does.  So does her mother.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Movie night

Hi Natty!  Oh, more pretty pictures!  Those Indochino clothes look really good on you.  And you look especially great in a tuxedo shirt.  Very James Bond-ish!  Hee hee you look so snooty, but I love it!  Make sure you keep safe and healthy as you work, Honey.

It's movie night again!  Please watch a movie with me.  All the talk about Mary Unknown7 being like the Borg Queen made me want to watch "Star Trek: First Contact" (1996).  The first thing I noticed is that it was directed by Riker.  Yikes!  That means it's a TV movie.  And it is another episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but with greasier makeup.  Fans of Star Trek TNG, of which I am one of them, wouldn't mind leaving the house to go to a movie theater to see this.  This is the first time I've seen this movie, but the feeling is the same.  Typical Star Trek TNG stuff.  The Borg made a huge mess and drilled lots of holes in the walls, but the last scene is in a spotless bridge with everyone in brand new uniforms, ready to go to warp (worp?) speed.  By the way, does anyone else think that the Borg Queen is kind of sexy?

I'm not too proud of this outfit I picked for Mary today.  It's something a little girl would choose.  But I ran out of time, so here it is.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Queen of Hearts

Hi Natty!  Hi Honey!  Ride that Crazy Carousel!  Always keep safe and healthy.  For us.

People are comparing Mary Unknown7 as similar to the Borg queen, and I can see that.  How about the Queen of Hearts?  I think Mary is more like Alice than the Queen of Hearts.  But there's something about the way they talk that's the same.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

9.  Is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night prostrating himself or standing, who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope in the mercy of his Lord...  Say, "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?"  It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.

The Crowds 39:9

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Hi Natty!  Oh that outfit looks so comfortable.  Of course, you look fabulous in it.  You make anything look fabulous.  Now that you're raking in the big bucks, it's about time for me to make some money for a change.  But I can only take what Allah gives me.  Please keep safe and healthy for us, my love.

69 is such a social number, don't you agree?  There should be a branch of sociology dedicated to that number.  Let's go all the way, Honey!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Qur'an 20231205

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1.  Say, "O you that reject faith!"

2.  I worship not that which you worship,

3.  Nor will you worship that which I worship.

4.  And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship,

5.  Nor will you worship that which I worship.

6.  To you be your way, and to me mine.


Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

It's Monday.  I went downtown in the morning to pick up my Dad's meds, then bought salted fish bones for my ramen, also salt and cat food.  Anna is in heat right now.  Poor kitty!  Here let me pick you up and pet you, give you a cuddle and a big kiss.  You're such a pretty kitty!  She keeps her feelings to herself most of the time, just a few small whimpers occasionally.  But when she gets in the bathroom, she yowls with all her heart at the bathroom window.  Please don't cry, honey.  Fried chicken is on the menu for dinner!  Yes I will get some fried chicken from the night market later inshaAllah.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

108.  Say, "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah on evidence as clear as the seeing with one's eyes, I and whoever follows me.  Glory to Allah, and never will I join gods with Allah!"

Joseph 12:108

Sunday, December 3, 2023

So what

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

So what when there's no video of Mary's set?  The quality isn't great to begin with.  Yes of course I need a better computer and fiberoptic connection, do you think I'm going to ask for help?  That's Haram!  Until something better comes along inshaAllah, you folks will have to put up with 10 fps at 1360 x 768 resolution.  At best.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

19.  Say, "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say, "Allah is witness between me and you: this Qur'an has been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all it reaches." Can you possibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another God? Say, "No, I cannot bear witness." Say, "But in truth God is the One God, and I truly am innocent of joining others with God."

The Cattle 6:19

Saturday, December 2, 2023

I hate parties

Natty, where are you?  Please talk to me.  I love you.

I was losing video during Mary's session today, and we had to finish the set audio only.  After looking at the numbers, I concluded that video was cut deliberately at the carrier level.  Yes folks, I paid my bills.  One might think that a fiberoptic line wouldn't have that issue.  But they could always cut the connection, say "sorry", then reconnect it in 24 hours.  There's only one way to find out.  Who knows, they might be reliable.

I can't believe all that royalty went camping in the desert when it was obvious that that guy wanted to be "king of kings".  I guess it must have been the oil.  Not everyone fell for it: Liz didn't go.  I wonder what really happened at that party...

Friday, December 1, 2023

The early morning cat fight

Hi there, beautiful Natty!  Are you having tons of fun?  Aw don't worry so much, have fun being who you are!  You are MY girl, and I love you with all my heart.  You keep safe and healthy for us now.

I love my kitties.  I have 7 cats, parents and 5 kittens.  The kittens are grown up now.  While there is still squabbling and threatening occasionally as cats do, they get along quite fabulously alhamdulillah.  Breakfast time is 4 am, but it was a little early today.  There was some screeching outside.  It sounded like a banshee, but it was most likely a cat fight.  There was no excitement over kibble this morning.  Everyone ate one pellet at a time then sat up to look around between each pellet, as if they were about to be attacked.  Except papa cat Adolf.  He knows he can beat up any cat in the neighborhood, but I keep him inside so he can live longer and be soft and fluffy.  InshaAllah.