Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Movie night

 Hi Natty!  How wonderful it is to see you again.  You are fabulously dressed, "immaculate casual".  Those are Doc Martens!  I used to have a pair of Docs, then I ruined them by wearing them to work at the pizza joint (I thought they were designed to be labor shoes?)  It was meant to be, I wore them while I could, my feet were size 9 then now they are at least 11.  Those are some beautiful plants, by the way.  Is that the Farm Girl you're with?  She grew those plants?  They are perfection!  Remember that color Natty, that dark green is what I call "well-watered green".  Just because you dump a lot of water on a plant, doesn't mean it will drink it.  The person who nurtured those plants is very talented indeed.  My mother thinks I have green thumbs, but only certain plants flourish under my care, the others refuse to live.

Tonight is movie night!  "Nobody" (2021) is an action movie.  Sorry Honey, you can choose a girlie flick and I'll watch it.  I didn't figure Bob Odenkirk to be an action star, but he's absolutely great at it.  This movie is almost like "The Equalizer"...  My favorite part is after Hutch takes down the gang of assassins that infiltrated his house, then he sits 4 survivors down on the couch, and forces them to listen to his life story as they slowly die.  Now that's a captive audience.

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