Thursday, December 31, 2020

Them bones

 Hi Natty!  Are you excited?  Well, it's the New Year!  You are so beautiful, you are MY girl, and I love you!  2020 was a big change for sociology, don't you agree?  Don't you worry about a thing, my beautiful darling.  Everything will work out absolutely great for us inshaAllah.

When I was the supermarket yesterday, I saw some beef marrow bones going for cheap so I bought a pack.  Australian beef.  Usually you would season and bake this stuff, then spoon out the soft gelatinous marrow with a tiny spoon as a delicate treat.  I used it as a soup base for my noodles.  It was successful, as you may expect beef stock would be.  Plus there was still a good amount of meat sticking to the bones.  I guess I would be wasting the marrow this way, but my noodles in soup was good so it wasn't a waste to me.

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