Thursday, December 31, 2020

Them bones

 Hi Natty!  Are you excited?  Well, it's the New Year!  You are so beautiful, you are MY girl, and I love you!  2020 was a big change for sociology, don't you agree?  Don't you worry about a thing, my beautiful darling.  Everything will work out absolutely great for us inshaAllah.

When I was the supermarket yesterday, I saw some beef marrow bones going for cheap so I bought a pack.  Australian beef.  Usually you would season and bake this stuff, then spoon out the soft gelatinous marrow with a tiny spoon as a delicate treat.  I used it as a soup base for my noodles.  It was successful, as you may expect beef stock would be.  Plus there was still a good amount of meat sticking to the bones.  I guess I would be wasting the marrow this way, but my noodles in soup was good so it wasn't a waste to me.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Busy day

 Hi Natty!  How are you today, my love?  I hope all is well with you, and you are having a good time.  It's been a busy day for me today.  I had to get up early and do my laundry.  While waiting for that, I did my usual chores like cleaning up after the cats, collecting water etc.  After my laundry was done, I took my motorcycle to the repair shop to replace the chain and sprocket set.  Then I went to the bank and to the water utility to pay the bill.  After that, I went to the supermarket.  I got home barely in time for Mary Unknown7's vocal session.  After that was done, I went out again to a different supermarket then to the hardware shop to get a new tube for the wheelbarrow.   Yeah, I blew the tire again.  I get so tempted to put more air in that tire, when I know I shouldn't.  I just got home, and am waiting for them to call the sunset prayer.  Nothing going on in the kitchen today, I ate out for lunch and bought takeout noodles for dinner.  Next after the prayer, I need a nap so I can do computer work until midnight.  Whew!

I don't particularly like too much glossiness on the avatar skin because I think it makes her look like a plastic doll, but other people really seem to like that.  What do you think?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Beautiful girl

 Hi Natty!  How are you, beautiful girl?  You know that I love you with all of my heart, right?  I hope you do.  I'm going to marry you inshaAllah.  I hope you are healthy and having a wonderful time over there.

After cutting the grass this evening, I planned to try making a fake steak out of soy beef.  I bought some Enoki  mushrooms yesterday, thinking I could duplicate the grain of the steak.  Unfortunately, it was a failure.  No, I'm not serving any of my experiments to you!  You only get the perfected stuff, because you are my Princess!  Oh, you want to taste?  It's gross!  The inside was a gooey mush of mushroom goo.  Perhaps if I deep fried the mushrooms first to dry them up, it might work better.  But no, not with soy beef.  Soy beef is only good for making burgers.  But maybe I might be able to make chili with soy beef...

Monday, December 28, 2020


 Hi Natty!  How are you, my darling?  How's the food?  Lots of turkey left over?  Turkey sandwich?

Making poached eggs made me realize that I haven't cooked that many eggs in my life.  Sure I've cracked countless thousands of eggs to put in dough or batter, but I never had to cook eggs on a per order basis.  Here I found a really nice video about cooking eggs, a knowledge everyone should learn, especially potential mothers:

I found some hieroglyphs that made excellent backdrops for Mary Unknown7's photo shoot.  I took care not to choose anything that depicted anthropoid figures.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Poached eggs

 Hi Natty!  How are you?  How's your health?  Many people get lonely and depressed during the holidays, and it affects their health.  I don't really celebrate public holidays because I have to work everyday, so it's all the same old day to me.  I hope you are healthy and happy.  I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart, and I will marry you inshaAllah.  Don't you worry about a thing, everything will work out just awesome for us inshaAllah.  You are so beautiful.

It occurred to me last night that I have never cooked poached eggs, so I decided to try making some for dinner today.  So I looked at YouTube, and followed the video above to poach 3 eggs to go with my fry bread.  My first attempt failed, but I managed to get the other two correct.  So I had a couple of poached eggs and one somewhat poached egg swimming in curry with fry bread for dinner.  Would you like some poached eggs, my love?

Sundays are supposed to be black but I forgot, so Mary wore gold instead.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Adventures in fake beef

 Hi Natty!  Did you enjoy your Christmas?  You have a beautiful family.  And that is a beautiful ugly sweater.  I didn't see your sister there though.  Was she the one with you in the bathroom?  That can't be...

Allah gave me the evening off, so I used the time to make soy meat again.  This time I added mushrooms with the blended soybeans.  The mushrooms didn't make much of a difference, though.  What made a difference was limiting my use of flour.  I used brown gravy mix to get the flavor of beef.  Technically, brown gravy mix isn't vegetarian because it has beef fat in it, but I am not a vegetarian.  I just happen to have a lot of soybeans right now.  The soy burgers were a success, but I couldn't get all of the whiteness of the soybeans to go away.  It was inside the burger, so you can't tell from the stock photo above.  But definitely, soybeans are better than tofu at making burgers.  My next attempt will be to make soy steak.

This was supposed to be a red and white outfit, but it turned out pink and white.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas, Natty

 I hope you have a fabulous day.  I love you!

I can't stop raving about these girls!  They are so adorable that I have to give them a good solid plug.  It's a brilliant concept: they look so everyday in their faces and bodies, but have so much charisma and energy.  You have to see their entire presentation "Live on Thumva" to appreciate the ridiculous amount of energy these girls have.  I can see it in their eyes that they are genuinely thrilled to be there doing what they do.  And I can't take my eyes off Suzuka!  She's a marvelous frontwoman.  Her glasses eventually fell off almost towards the end of their set.  She threw it to the side of the stage, and I couldn't help but look for them.  It's a miracle those glasses stayed on that long with her bouncing around like a jackhammer for half an hour.  I don't agree with the prostration to a mountain, but that's Japanese tradition for you.  I doubt the music will get past Japan, but I'm sure the music team will do better.  Plus you need to sing in English to be international, and that's probably not going to happen.  One has to grow up speaking English to sing properly in English but you never know, it might happen.  I wish these girls happiness with their lives, and I hope they stick together because I want to see more of them!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

No disciples

 Hi Natty!  Are you enjoying yourself over there?  Keep nice and warm and cozy!  Oh my love, there's not much going on over here.  I cut the grass in the evening, then had takeout rice for dinner.  Nothing special for lunch  either, just noodles in soup.  That's the perfect lunch for me, I could eat that everyday.  Anyway, I'm going to rest a bit before doing Mary's wardrobe.  You have a nice peaceful holidays!