Sunday, June 7, 2020

Took a ride

Hi Natty!  How are you, my love?  I hope you are happy and healthy.  Are you still staying inside?  I do so because it is my nature.  The lockdown was something I actually enjoyed.  But this evening I went out.  I had to get gasoline, so I went out on my motorcycle.  I also had to put air in the tires, and buy a few groceries.  just some bread and ramen.  I ate out for dinner at Ina's.  I had to sign a guest list.  The prime minister declared today that Covid-19 had been contained, so everywhere I looked people had taken off their masks.  I only wore that mask when I was in a confined area with lots of people anyway.  Logically, the virus had saturated the atmosphere months ago.  Either the humans adapted or didn't.  The ones that adapted survived.  I guess eventually the immune system adapted as well, so one can carry the virus but nothing bad happens.

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