Saturday, March 14, 2020

My decision is my excuse

Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope everything is going well for you.  I'm doing OK here, it's bloody hot as usual.  Sweating can be a 24/7 thing at this time, and showers are mainly for me to cool down.  Oh AC, wherefore art thou?  Mornings aren't that hot though, so I usually wait until later to shower.  This morning my Mom wanted me to go to the supermarket and get her some strawberry milk, bread etc.  I couldn't have looked or smelled that good, but I went without showering.  It was a good thing I was in the middle of shaving when I received the command to go to the supermarket.  The checkout girls gave me dirty looks, but I don't care.  The local girls don't interest me.  I prefer pretty blondes!  I will put in more of an effort to dress and smell better when I get married inshaAllah.  Or was it maybe that I looked like a virus...

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