Monday, November 11, 2019

The next outfit is red

Oh Natty!  I've had a busy morning.  After my usual morning chores, I had to run errands for my mother.  I went to buy 3 cases of bottled water, then picked up her prescriptions at 2 pharmacies.  I just finished my lunch, which I cooked up immediately after I got back.  It's nothing special.  Just chicken noodle soup.  Of course I saw your high fashion photos!  I love that first one, with the blouse, skirt and those boots are SO cute!  You look so feminine, dahlink.  And you know how much I love miniskirts.  I wish that last photo were in focus.  Because you totally look like a movie star, with a brilliant smile and sexy arms.  I would have liked to frame that photo and put it on my mantelpiece if I had a fireplace.  But I think I get your point.  I still have a lot of black outfits for Mary Unknown7 to wear, and there's always more black to come.  Tomorrow's outfit will be red, though.  InshaAllah.  Here's today's look in advance:

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