Friday, November 15, 2019

Paralyzed by lust

Hi Natty!  How are you today, my darling?  I hope you are feeling healthy and confident, because I do love you so.  I'm doing OK here.  It's Friday, so I had to attend the Friday prayer then right after that rush back to my studio for Mary Unknown7's session.  Mary doesn't get a chance to warm up on Fridays, but hey we're professionals.  I'm mostly concerned about my kitten Yoolie.  She's in her first heat, and it's come down heavily on her.  She can't move at all, or her body would go into cat orgasm.  She doesn't talk much normally, so when she's in heat she keeps quiet: she doesn't howl.  A cat that internalizes.  Strange.  But when she moves a little then her body begins to spazz, and she growls.  I comfort her by petting her, I also have to hydrate her because she can't make it to the water bowl.  When I woke up this morning, she was lying in her pee so I had to give her a bath at 4 am.  My poor kitty!  Unlike other cats, she prefers to stay on the ground.  I have to pull her limbs to stretch for her while she's in heat.  Her hind legs and rear are obviously the focus of her heat, but it seems her whole body has no fight to it.  Paralyzed by lust.  If she were an outdoors cat, she wouldn't survive this period.  Ya Allah, please heal my kitty.

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