Friday, November 15, 2019

Oh, green! Yes, ma'am

Or is that blue?  I had Mary wear blue yesterday.   Well, we already chose her outfit for today: it's black and white.  Tomorrow is supposed to be pink day, but I guess that doesn't apply anymore now that you've stepped up.  So I will have Mary dress up in green for tomorrow's outfit inshaAllah.  We don't have that many green outfits.  Does this also mean that she gets to wear black on Sundays again?  Pink is difficult for us, because we're both color blind.  Pink is grey sometimes, and red is green, and vice versa.

I must say that you are looking marvelous, my dearest.  You are beautiful, and I love you deeply.  I would love to embrace you, as we stroll together in the early winter.  But alas, I have to be here for here is where my mission is.  Plus I'm cradling a cat who is absolutely helpless when she's in heat.

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