Tuesday, September 24, 2019

For the people who love and protect them

Hi Natty!  You're looking sharp today, City Girl!  Do you have a cold?  Oh dear.  Please take care of your health.  I think you should wear your hair up and have glasses on if you're going to sport a book as a fashion accessory.  But since you're actually reading it, then it's not just an accessory.  I used to carry a book around too, back in the day.  But I would march around while reading it.  The hills of Salt Lake City were great for doing that.  I would walk through the suburbs to the studio in my jungle boots and read "The Will to Power".  I must have looked awfully pretentious.  Nietzsche is rubbish to me now.  Nowadays, the Qur'an is the only book I read.  I may never master it.

I saw the article on Greta Thunberg on Yahoo news.  I read the comments, and I find it amusing that so many people don't believe that humans are causing the deterioration of the environment.  Let's give these people some of the trash that's floating on the ocean as a reward for their conviction.  They wouldn't mind a big pile of ocean trash at their homes, after all, it's made by humans and thus won't mess up their environment.  Don't anybody go inside Mar-a-Lago with the ocean trash!  Stay outside the walls and fences!

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