Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Good potato, bad potato

Hi Natty!  How are you today, my darling?  Are you having fun?  I hope you are having tons of fun being a beautiful supermodel, and keeping yourself safe at the same time.  Things are OK here for me, just the usual things to do.  I am posting a little earlier than usual, it is Tuesday and I want to be at the mosque by sunset.  I've been eating super simple lately, I dunno, just felt like it I suppose.  I'm sure I'll go back to experimenting again eventually.  I had beef and mash potatoes for lunch.  Simple huh?  I had suspicions about these particular potatoes though, so I kept it simple to see what it would do to me.  And yes, the mash potato gave me the runs.  I don't know where they grow these potatoes, but I'm not buying them anymore.  I thought at first it was ridiculous that plain potatoes would hurt my stomach, but so be it.  Later I had some potato chips, and that didn't hurt my stomach.  Good potato.

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