Saturday, December 22, 2018


Oh, Sri Lanka.  So near, yet so far away.  That is an awesome family photo.  It's probably the best family photo of yours to date.  It seems that you will be with your family this holiday season.  Will you be going back to the cold and snow?  That must be quite a change, after that generous family vacation in the sunshine.  Did you visit the blue whale colony?  Blue whales are regarded by some to be very spiritual creatures.  That area is also close to the Andaman Sea, where you would find some deep sea trenches.  Anyway, I wish you and you beautiful family a wonderful holiday season.  Thank you for your love.

Meanwhile, Floofy has been ill.  There has been pus leaking out of her cervix, and she has been very weak lately.  Apparently she has a bacterial infection of her uterus.  However, she has been responding well to antibiotics, and the vet said that her condition is not advanced, alhamdilillah.   Removal of the uterus would solve the problem but since she is responding well to antibiotics, I won't go that direction yet.  I'm going to need kittens, I'm running out of cats.  Allah has been after my cats lately, maybe I'm about to get a lesson in love.

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