Sunday, May 21, 2017

It's almost Ramadan

And I am busy making preparations.  Mostly in regards to food, of course.  As you know. Muslims are required to fast from dawn until sunset.  I don't really eat that much for breaking fast.  Perhaps the equivalent of a couple of eggs and some bread.  This is because I attend extra worship at the mosque at night along with the congregation, and I don't want to be bothered with having to use the restroom.  I eat the most for the pre-dawn meal, so I wake up early in the morning to cook.  Looks like it's going to be a lot of pizza and pasta for Ramadan, but I also have a whole chicken in my cooler.  It's spaghetti tonight, though!  You want some?

Natty, the reason that the tree lost its crown is because it grew in the wrong spot.  It wasn't meant to survive there.  But it can't be helped because such is life, the seed doesn't choose where it germinates.  People are not like trees, though many of us aspire to be.  We can adapt and grow someplace else.  InshaAllah.  Nowadays, we have the Internet.  You can pretty much seat your business anywhere in the world.  You don't have to live where there's too much competition.

Pina, that's a cute shy face you have there.  I'm glad to see you dress modestly.  Those pants are cute, but I think you need black shoes.

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