Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Shopping Experience

So is your schedule loosening up a little my dearest?  Or are you still busy as ever?  Well, you are beautiful to me, and I love you, so please make sure you take the time to take good care of yourself.  Make sure you get plenty of sleep and eat properly.

By now, we are all familiar with online shopping, and the pages and pages of items we peruse then decide which to add to our cart, then pay for electronically, then wait for delivery.  In the virtual world Second Life, that too can be done, especially for digital products that can be packaged as objects then downloaded and saved, like one would save a snapshot.  But it could also provide another means of browsing and shopping for real products.  For example, let's consider shopping for apparel.  Online, one would typically browse for products on pages like this:
On Second Life, one would browse for products like this:
The difference is that on Second Life, we get to shop with friends: we don't have to shop alone.  We can chat in real time with our shopping buddies, get their opinions on our purchase, preview our purchase in 3D, etc etc.  There are so many ways of presenting products in virtual reality, plus there is also the option of combining 3D and the usual page perusing method.  All within the same program.  And if your avatar is true to your real life appearance, then you get to see what you look like, front and back!  No, I don't look like this in real life.  Next life, inshaAllah.

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