Thursday, March 23, 2017

Mystery of the Missing Fish

It's time for another installment of "The Vicious Lives of Fishes", featuring the guppies in my old glass malted milk jar.  The last time, I had changed the water and accidentally crushed one of the females with a slippery rock.  That left me with 5 guppies left, 1 male and 4 females.  Then I bought a pink and yellowish-green plastic plant, then a baby fish immediately appeared.  Actually, 2 baby fish appeared.  Then I saw a third one, but that vanished.  Then when I changed the water today, one of the females had gone.  I'm sure she didn't go down the drain, because I use a strainer, unless she got stuck to the plastic plant when I pulled it out.  Where did these fish go?  It's not like a baby fish because it's too big to allow itself to be cannibalized.  If it jumped out, I didn't see any fish carcasses in my bedroom.  Fish mysteriously disappear from my fish bowl.  Now I have 1 adult male guppy, 3 adult females, and 2 babies.  The male fish seems kind of tired after I changed the water.  Maybe it's time I need a new male fish.

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