Monday, August 22, 2016

It's sushi time!

Yay!  I love sushi!  My Dad bought me a big old fish this morning.  It was a male scad, and it was huge!  I should have taken a photo of it... darn!  Anyway, it's belly was so full of white roe that its liver and heart had shrunk.  The roe was so firm, I could slice it like truffles.  Processing big fish is so much faster than small fish.  I had seaweed, but not seaweed sheets.  So I chopped up the seaweed and sprinkled it over hand rolled sushi.  Awesome!  Alhamdulillah!  I know you like sushi, Piene.  C'mon Erin!  You too, Nat!

How's the bro, Nat?  He doesn't like the thought of your getting married?  How are YOU feeling, dear heart?  I know you're resilient.  There's such a long way to go Sweetie.  Erin comes first.  So please enjoy your career in the meanwhile, and do well at school OK?  Perhaps you should go dancing with your model buddies.  If so, then please be cautious at the dance clubs.  You and Piene.  Always trust your feelings.

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