Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hey, what's the rush, people?

Humans are creatures of haste.  Sure it's very entertaining to you all, but I need to make sure Erin is well taken care of first before I marry more wives.  **yawn**  I'm so lazy!

Piene, you're too thin!  Tell your bosses that I want you to gain 2 kilos immediately.  Maintain that, and I estimate that would be best for your looks.  You need to learn how to love your job.  InshaAllah you will be successful, and it's easier to survive success if you love what you do.  Tonight for dinner, I want you to eat steak and potatoes, and lots of ice cream for dessert.
Now THAT'S a deep dish pizza!  The toppings are eggplant, sauteed onions, basil, and burger.

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