Saturday, January 16, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160117

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Sweetheart!  Hello Munchkin!  Oh sorry- you're too tall to be a munchkin.  But you are really cute.  And beautiful too.  I hope you are staying safe, and being careful.  Please realize that you are at the top, you are a Queen, because you are my Queen.  Regardless of what the media says.  The crowd is NOT your friend: always remember that.  We live in the Public Eye.  In your position it is practical to be cautious, with how people approach you, or how people watch you.  Only the stupid would regard your caution as paranoia.  You are not the same girl you were 3 years ago.  I want you to be safe, because I love you and I need you.

My parents just got me a chainsaw.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.  A chainsaw doesn't really make a good defensive weapon (not like those video games always portray) because you have to start the damn thing, but at least I can tackle those trees now, instead of pecking away at the trunk with a machete.  It's a bit heavy, so there's an issue about using it on a ladder for instance, but oh well.  I have a chainsaw now.

I should be vegging out in front of the TV eating junk food at my age, but there's always something hampering such a quest.  For instance, I had to make my own junk food today.  Well, I bought a sack of potatoes, and I have a serrated peeler which happens to cut great chips.  So I made my own potato chips.  Boy, that was time consuming.  It's so much easier to just buy them.  And I only managed to make about a medium bagful of chips, because I kept on eating them.  I don't have a vacuum packer, so the chips go stale quickly.  So I wound up devouring the whole lot early, now I have nothing to snack on when I watch TV tonight.

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