Friday, December 4, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151205

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Whew!  I'm full.  My Mom seems to have a lot of leftover curry lately, everyday.  Razak Curry House sells the best curry in town, and I had a lot of it.  I also just made a batch of dough, and it's excellent quality.  Alhamdulillah.  So I fried up a whole lot of breadsticks, and had them swimming in great curry.  Totally awesome.  You must try some.

Hey you, don't be blue.  I love you, and I need you.  I won't abandon you, inshaAllah.  You're my girl.  So please be patient, and pray.

My Bat Cat is what I could describe as an intellectual cat.  He's not a brawler like Bob Cat, he just watches and analyzes from a distance.  He just loves to dig up dirty secrets, so sometimes people throw rocks at him.  Today he got in trouble with another cat for the first time.  Someone stuck a claw in his right bicep, so he was limping all morning.  I disinfected the wound with some rubbing alcohol, and now he's putting weight on the foot again.  So I guess he's OK.  I suppose the intellectuals aren't too smart to avoid fights with the bruisers sometimes.

Well, next up I have to practice bass and watch the latest Tomb Raider movie, "Rise of the Tomb Raider."  That dangerous girl with the powerful hands.  The story isn't as gripping as the previous Tomb Raider movie (Tomb Raider 2013), but the graphics are much superior, absolutely enchanting to watch.  Here, watch it with me.

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