Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151112

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Yeah, you could say that Bob Crane had it coming.  A lot of people have punishment coming, some of them Allah allows to old age so they increase in iniquity, and they reject the Qur'an.

Hi Erin!  How's it going, beloved Sweetheart?  I hope you're eating properly, getting enough rest, and having a great time.  Nothing much happening here today.  The sun came out today, but it rained at sunset.  I've gotten hooked on a couple of new games, so time passes by quickly for me.  I did manage to clean my bedroom today, and later on I will have to put in some practice on bass.  Writing, rather.  One thing about writing music, is that most of the time it could better.  At least I'm at the point in my life where I enjoy listening to my own music.  It's not narcissm!  Nostalgia.  Reflections of my life flashing by.  Dinner today was teriyaki chicken on steamed rice.  Sweet, delicious, and filling.  Now that it's getting closer to the holiday season, you're going to get busier and busier.  Because you are the All-American Sweetheart!  I love you oodles.  And I need you.  Beautiful Erin.

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