Thursday, November 5, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151106

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It's raining right now, so I'm writing this letter earlier than I usually do, which is right before sunset, while I wait for them to call the sunset prayer.  Obviously I can't do any yard work, but I do have a craving for hot rice.  I asked Ina if she would be cooking up a new pot of rice and if she did, I would have dinner over there.  It doesn't look like she will, so I'm going to roll up more of that chicken in dough then deep fry it.  When my Mom makes "rendang" (meat in spicy coconut/lemongrass sauce), she normally uses beef, but this time she used chicken for some reason.  So I separated the chicken from the sauce, and that's what I've been using to make deep fried stuffed pies.  Sorry Mom, but it just doesn't taste the same with chicken.  I have some beef, but I'm thinking of mixing the sauce in with ground beef to make "rendang" sausage.  What do you think, Mom?

I'm pleased to report that my mustard green experiment was a success, and now I have mustard greens growing in the yard.  A LOT of mustard greens.  In pots, peat pots, all over the yard.  Praise be to Allah!  Mustard greens can grow pretty large, and have a lot of body.  I use all of the plant too, stems and everything but the roots.  I'll save some for seed, and use the rest for wraps, soups, stir fry, whatever.  Next, I'm going to roll out some dough to make pies, and make sausage.  You want some?  Please eat properly and get sufficient rest, OK?  I love you, and I need you.

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