Saturday, October 24, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151025

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my most beautiful Erin!  How's my beloved Pro doing today?  It's great to be successful, so please give thanks to Allah and maintain your prayers.  I want you to always keep in mind your own well-being, and guard those precious emotions of yours.  I love you and I need you.

I went out in search of a snapper this morning.  I woke up at 3:30 am, not necessarily intentionally.  I do that sometimes.  It's a strange rhythm, so I conduct extra worship.  I knew I had to go to the market after the dawn prayer, so I tried to grab a nap after worship.  All the snapper available today was small, the size of my hand.  Now don't get me wrong, snapper tastes great at any size.  But a snapper the size of my hand is only good for one meal.  So the better value is to buy a big fish.  I use the 2 fillets for 2 servings of sushi or whatever, the head for curry, the bones for broth, the skin for a crispy fry, and I keep the roe and liver in the freezer for whatever use they may have.  That's 6 meals out of one fish!  So I didn't buy a snapper this morning.  I'll wait until I come across a fish that's about 2 kilos.  And you know the added advantage allowing the small fish to grow big, people?  They get a chance to produce young, so you don't wipe out the species!  Needless to say, I was rather annoyed this morning.  Maybe I'm just not a morning person.

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