Friday, October 23, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151024

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, Erin dahling.  How are you today, Sweetie?  I suppose it's that time of year where supermodel politics are in full rage.  You're at the top of the heap to me, because you're MY girl.  Oh, you're so sweet.  Please make sure that success doesn't steal away your sweetness.  I love you Erin, and I need you.

I still had all that scad fillet in my freezer.  Adult hardtail scad is only good for sushi or sashimi on the very first day.  This is because it had powerful flavor, and after the first day it becomes too overbearing to eat raw, no matter if you freeze it.  The younger fish are more tasteless.  But no matter, scad is a perfect match with marinara sauce.  Like sardines, but different.  Meatier.  So that's what I had for dinner.  I heated up my marinara sauce, then added chunks of scad.  I enjoyed it with fresh tortillas.  Italiana Mexicana!  I wish I had some mozzarella cheese.  I have more in the cooler if you want to come over.

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