Sunday, September 27, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150928

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin.  How are you today, Sweetie?  I'm sure you are busy from now to the end of the year with the holiday shopping season, so please get sufficient rest and eat properly.  You probably don't have much time to work out, but try to do a little anyway.  I did my workout today even though I hurt my elbows the day before, but I didn't have much problem doing my push ups.  I guess I can get back to playing bass tonight.  It's been raining here since the afternoon prayer, so I'm writing this letter earlier than I usually do.  I can't do anything outside when it rains, so I cleaned my bedroom instead.  No cooking either, because I have too many leftovers.  So I'll just kick back and watch TV.  I want you to have fun with your work, and be assured that I love you.  And I need you.  Take care, OK?

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