Saturday, July 25, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150726

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Chee Cheah finally showed her face to me after hiding for 2 days.  I was watering my Mom's flowers when there she was, sitting casually behind me, licking away at herself.  Oh my God, what a mess.  She was almost bald all over, after having scratched and licked almost all her fur off.  She couldn't have escaped her restraining collar by herself, otherwise she would have done so long ago.  She's an old kitty, so I was worried.  Cats leave home to die, unless of course they're trapped inside.  Chee Cheah isn't an indoors cat.  She has never treated the house with any respect.  She's always been like that, it has nothing to do with being old, just ask my Mom.  But she doesn't have to leave. because I love her.  I will bury her when she dies, inshaAllah.

Dinner was steak and cheese sandwiches.  It's not a cheeseburger, it's a steakburger!  I burned the sauce, so it wasn't that great.  I would share it with you, but I burned the sauce so I can't serve it to you.  I'm sorry.  I'll make it again properly.  I need to buy more mushrooms.  When I do, I'll make you one inshaAllah.  I love you Erin, and I need you.

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