Friday, April 10, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150411

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I suppose there has been too much cat activity around here lately.  So this morning about 4 am, a wild dog came to my house and started barking at my cats.  Then I went outside to chase it away, and it ran off to the other houses to do its barking fit.  Yeah, there are wild dogs around here.  They live in the jungle and the ditches, and they usually don't show themselves to humans because someone would call the Department of Animal Control to send someone to shoot them.  But it's 4 am, so no one would, and the dog had its day in the spotlight.  Kitty Cat Kitty Cat, Meow! Meow! Meow!  Doggy Woggy Doggy Woggy, Bow Wow Wow!

But Bobby got me all upset this evening.  He's been scratching his eye again, and it made me livid.  Bobby, it's Friday!  The vet is closed on weekends!  And that eye won't heal if you scratch it!  I think he's been toying with me all week, so I can feel helpless on the weekend.  I got so mad with him, it gave me heartburn.  But I agree with the dog, that there has been too much cat drama lately.  So I cut down the cat tails that were growing by my porch.  Oh don't worry, they'll grow back.

Well I hope you're doing great, my beloved Erin.  I'm just trying to keep things mundane around here.  Please take good care of yourself Sweetheart.  I love you, and I need you.

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