Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150409

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

That was I big tuna I bought the other day.  Huge.  Almost 2 and a half kilos.  I was planning to make breaded tuna cutlets for fish and chips, but I wound up steaming all that meat instead.  Tuna salad mix!  First I had to make some mayo.  Then I chopped up fresh cilantro and red onions, broke up all that steamed tuna meat into a mixing bowl, and folded in a lot of mayo, with salt, pepper, and lime juice.  Tuna salad mix is so easy, but it has a short life, and I had a lot of it.  I mean a LOT.  No!  Not a salad!  Not with my tuna salad mix!  So last night, it was a tuna salad burrito with lettuce and tomatoes, or shall I say wrap?  This morning I went and bought a loaf of sliced bread, so for lunch I had tuna salad sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes, and for dinner I had tuna melts with lettuce, tomatoes and melted cheese.  I'm about tuna-ed out right now, but I have to say it's pretty good tuna mix.  I have one serving left.  Would you like a tuna salad?  With ranch dressing?  Erin dearest?

I pray that you taking it easy, but having a great time.  Erin you are my love, and I love you with all my heart.  I love you, and I need you.

Oh, I need to report that after taking an even closer look, Floofy didn't get the tip of her tail cut off after all- it was a different cat.  Sorry folks, but Floofy sure put up a great act as if that severed tail was hers.  If there had been a hex or threat intended with that cat tail, it wasn't meant for me.  But I took that tail and put it on my side of the wall anyway.

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