Thursday, December 18, 2014

Letter to Erin 20141218

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

The song goes, "The waiting is the hardest part."  I've been waiting my whole life- I've never been married, even though I've always wanted to be married.  And I will never be successful in music business in the conventional way.  You know what I mean: aerobics in sync with dancers behind me while singing, and getting tattoos etc.  I have to make my own way, and that way is inspired by God.  While of course I can't let what people say corrupt my vision, the worst thing you can do is let the crowd tell you what to do.  Please remember that the crowd is not your friend.  A school of fish is a bait ball.

You must be patient and wait.  Ignore the crowd, and wait.  Yes, I know you have a tender heart which I so adore, but this time you must protect your emotions from the crowd.  My world is your world now, because you are MY girl.  So be in my world, and be oblivious to what people say.  You're taller than most of them anyway, so look over their heads, and think about your house.  How would you like your house to be?  Please have faith in God, maintain your prayers, and know that I love you, and I need you.

The smell of home made pizza is driving my kittens berserk.  You want some pizza?

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