Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Letter to Julia 20141125

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful Julia and Erin.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident, and having a great time.  Everyone around me seems to be rushing around.  I'm already where I'm supposed to go, so it's pointless for me to rush around.  But the weather keeps me on my toes- it has been very wet lately.  So I've been taking it slow.  I've started playing pinball again, and I'm totally out of practice.  I've become very bulky in my old age: I'm bumping into walls and crushing things in my path, so I've lost much sensitivity and fast reflexes needed for pinball.  I did cut the grass by the road outside of Casa de Julia inshaAllah.  The grass was so wet, and itched very much when it splattered on my face.  Nothing special on the menu either.  I've been finishing off that awesome home made beef sausage, so it's been a lot of pizza for me.  I had some eggplant, so I hollowed them out and stuffed them with sauce, sausage, and cheese.  Tasted refreshing, but the pizza tasted better.  Sausage, eggplant and basil pizza.  Yummy and greasy.  I love grease.  I'm a bad boy.

This happens to be my week of isolation, so you won't hear from me again until Friday or Saturday.  Please take good loving care of yourselves in my absence.  I love you, I love you.  And I need you, I need you.

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