Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140916

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I kept on getting caught in the rain yesterday.  I was about to leave to post my love letter after voice training, then it started to pour.  At the same time I felt so dizzy, I had caught a fever.  I feel better now as I write this letter, but the rain again forced me to postpone my blog.  Please forgive me.  I love you, I love you.  And I need you, I need you.

Floofy is insisting on keeping her brood out of the coop.  Every time I put them back, she takes them out again.  But I've never seen such disciplined behavior in cats before.  The kittens, I mean.  When Mama Cat is outside using the toilet and patrolling Casa de Julia InshaAllah like she's doing right now as I write this letter, the kittens hole up quietly in the corner behind the door of your wardrobe/bathroom Julia, and wait for her return.  Then when Floofy gets home, she calls out to them and they come out of hiding to greet her.  They wander everywhere as a pack, but only under Mama Cat's watchful eye.  Just now, I was calling the kittens for some baby food with Floofy at my side, and they came one by one to me, all five with a mission.  I suppose when they grow up they won't be this cute.  Now I have to get them to use the kitty litter over using the corner of the room.

On the menu is egg rolls!  I'm using fresh tofu instead of eggs, so I an't call them egg rolls, I suppose.  The stuffing is tofu, chopped onion, garlic, chives, basil, and salted radishes.  At first I fried them.  The texture was good, but I couldn't handle all that grease.  So I made them again, and just dry pan fried them in a non-stick pan.  They're not bad.  Want some?  Vegetarian!  Oh no!  Next thing you know, I might start eating salads!  Bleah!

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