Monday, July 7, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140708

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi again, my gorgeous and beloved wives.  Slick and sexy Julia, I adore your intensity.  Sweet and sensitive Erin, I adore your pure heart.  Of course I love you, I love you, and I need you, I need you.  How could I not?  You are the most beautiful girls in the world.  That's because you are MY girls.  MINE, MINE.

I've been doing so much cooking this Ramadan, and that's what's eating up most of my time.  Prepping more than cooking and eating.  Prepping seafood is very tedious.  Then portioning, marinading, and freezing meats.  Cooking is much cheaper than eating out: I eat what I feel like eating, it's better for my tummy, and I get larger portions.  But I've had some failures.  This year, crab has been bad for me.  I can't find king crab here, and anything else is too large for crispy fry, too small for anything else, and too expensive.  I found some small blue crab at the main market, but it was still too big.  The guy selling it again refused to take my money, and when I asked for something smaller, he laughed at me.  But it was too big.  I couldn't get it to crisp up properly, and it hurt my tummy.  And the sauce was too strong.  My experiment failed.  Sigh.  I warn you now my darling wives, that I like to experiment with food.  It makes life interesting.  But we can bag the experimentation if you want, and go to McDonald's.  They just opened one up here.  Fancy some rice gruel with chicken for RM3?  Betcha you can't find that at a US McDonald's.

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