Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130912

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Well, I was all set to come in and blog yesterday, I even shaved and all that, but the rain didn't really stop until the afternoon, and by that time it was time to voice train.  The after that, it started to rain again.  I sure hope it doesn't flood again.  The rain isn't pelting down, but it hasn't stopped yet.

Listening to a singer on a recording is not the same as listening to a singer performing live.  Especially a singer with a resonant voice.  The air pressure from the PA system can move and vibrate objects, and then there's the reaction of the environment.  Subhanallah.  I have a bassey voice, which the bass would not be noticed if you were to listen to me on Skype for instance.  I want to get an 18 inch speaker with a 1000 watt amp to drive it along with a crossover to go along with my karaoke setup that I have right now, inshaAllah.  Then I can really start to move objects.  But perhaps Allah will grant me something better and more powerful.

Which makes me smile.  Musical instruments really wouldn't have much use, or bring much satisfaction in heaven.  But here on earth in this life, they are useful as weapons.  To put fear into the enemies of Allah, Who watches them as they plot.

But if they happen to plan secretly for justice, goodwill, and conciliation, then may Allah bless their work.

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