Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130717

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia!  How are you feeling, my dearest?  You are my girl, and I love you.  You know, it rained heavily on my way home from yesterday's blog.  I probably should have headed straight home, but I had to get some cheese and cat food.  My Mom gave me a lot of sardines she prepared for bread, and I prefer sardines with bread and cheese.  I found a place here that sells IAMS cat food.  Best cat food in the world!  Well, that's what I used to feed Phantom back in the USA, and the vet said that Chee Cheah can only eat the best cat food.  The cat sniffs at the food then look at me with an expression of disdain, so did Phantom back then, but Phantom never got ill in the 11 years she was with me.  I wanted to stop to buy some burger buns, but by that time the rain started pelting down, so I decided to go straight home and make dough instead.  I rolled up the sardines and cheese in the dough, then deep fried it at low heat.  The dough was too soft ( because my Mom said my last batch of dough was too hard, so I made this batch with more water), and my rolls ruptured.  What a messy meal.  But it tasted good.  I recall someone telling me that the messiest meals are the tastiest meals.  Do you agree?

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