Friday, December 7, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121208

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful Julia!  How are you feeling?  Today is my parents' 52nd anniversary.  They've been married to each other for 52 years!  I'll buy them some ice cream on my way home.  They are kind of difficult to shop for, because they don't really like anything except for what they get for themselves.  As a couple, they don't seem to have similar interests.  My Mom is a sugar addict, while my Dad is a chain smoker.  Their other tastes and habits are equally divergent.  Their only common interests are lying in bed with each other, and eating rice with mixed entrees (nasi campur).  Ya Allah, thank you for keeping my parents alive.  Please give my parents long, happy, healthy lives, forgive their sins, allow them to enter heaven together, and have mercy on my parents as they cherished me in childhood.

The Internet cafe was out of order last Thursday, so I didn't get to blog.  Please forgive me.  But I am so looking forward to seeing you in the fashion show.  And our show!  Remember, our goal is to slow down and enjoy our lives together.  InsyaAllah.

Please do not be fooled by hypocrites and disbelievers who appear united against us.  Listen again, and you will hear lies and dissent among themselves.  Look again, and you will see fear.

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