Sunday, November 4, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121103

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Happy birthday, Julia!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!!  Woo hoo!! 

I thought I'd say it all again, because I adore you so much!  Besides, I'm one day ahead of your time zone, right?  So how are you, my beloved?  I pray you are well.  Please take good care of yourself, and make sure you eat properly.  It has been raining everyday here since the full moon, but right before the full moon it was 2 days of blistering heat.  What wacky weather.  Oh, I was crying last letter because I couldn't serve you breakfast in bed, or afford to buy you even a Flake bar.  No, I wouldn't have ordered pizza delivery for breakfast.  I do know how to make pizza from scratch you know, as long as the cheese is good.

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