Friday, January 13, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120114

Malaysia doesn't have abortion clinics. Unwanted pregnancies are abundant however, and since legalized abortion isn't an option, unwanted children are carried out to full term then discarded, into trash cans, ditches, drains, rivers, scrub, etc. A blessed few are found still alive, but many are found dead, and crawling with insects, or partially eaten by scavengers. Does this shock you? The discarding of newborn babies doesn't necessarily make it a worse act than abortion: it is still the intentional killing of a human child. The awareness of the child is not the issue: it is the awareness of the parents that is the problem. But why blame it on a libido out of control? This is a human condition, prevalent for ages, where human life is meaningless in comparison to selfish desires. Lost are they, with no sense of mercy nor compassion, no awareness of God whatsoever. Hey, but who am I to understand or criticize their economic and social difficulties? I don't share their situation: I've been keeping celibate until I can afford to start a family with Julia. InsyaAllah.

Humans are always in a big hurry. Look at the lunacy that occurs at traffic lights. In the same way, the horny are in a big hurry to fuck, as the skeptics are in a big hurry to get their asses kicked. They really don't care about consequences unless they are directly affected, and they will be. Assuredly. We need to slow down, Julia. I love you.

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