Sunday, December 18, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111219

Hi there my beloved Julia. How's the spotlight treating you? Do you enjoy being the center of attention? I like to hide, personally. I've always been somewhat of a recluse. Even when I play guitar, I like to crank up the distortion, overdrive and feedback so I can hide underneath all that. Miracles do happen Julia, and they happen everyday. Like the conception of a child, the sprouting of a seedling that turns into a mighty tree, to the songs and migration of birds. It's just that humans pass over those miracles because they want to satiate their own selfish gluttonies. But two people separated by oceans and other barriers can come together and be united in love and marriage, and stay in love and marriage for two lifetimes, with the power of Allah. You must pray! Did you know that your prayers infuriate those who wish to imprison and harm you? So please keep your faith, and maintain your prayers.

Don't forget who you are Mrs. Global, and that the goal in anything and everything that you do is to SLOW DOWN. Remember this law of mass media: the audience wants to run you into the ground as quickly as possible, as miserably as possible, so don't let them. Please look after your precious body. Please try to hide your beauty and be prepared to shield your face with your handbag or book when going out in public. Wear shades or glasses for eye protection. Avoid conversation, especially with strangers and mass media. If you have to say something, tell them you're trying to get closer to Allah and you don't want to talk to any humans.

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