Thursday, December 15, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111216

No Julia, it's not me who's trying to restrict you: it is life that restricts you. Even if you had many lovers and swam in diamonds and wealth, wouldn't you feel suffocated, without a purpose? It's not merely the urge to spawn: some people can hump away in public without shame like donkeys, and when Judgement Day arrives, they wouldn't even get arrested for it. No, we seek a purpose in this life because we are not free, so in love we seek a spiritual love, a soulmate. Experimenting with love and lust is corruption imprisoning itself in corruption. You are MY girl, I am the one who loves you, and wants to marry you. The only thing that holds me back is that I don't want to give you my poverty. That is so, because I'm the only human who has faith enough in the music Allah gave me, to invest everything I had in it. Some people say, "It's your music, so you pay for it." I say the inspiration is from Allah, and I am responsible for it.

**sniffle** It's not mango season yet, but the mango tree is blooming and fruiting. Alhamdulillah. The fruit is the high quality type, called the Harumanis. I look forward to eating it. I'm having to fight hard just to sing lately. This sinus allergy is death to my voice. It's like my voice lives on the border of the enemy, in a dynamic equilibrium. **sniffle**

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