Saturday, July 13, 2024

Movie night


Hi Gorgeous Grace!  I saw your little journey, and I'm quite impressed.  You've come so far in such a short time.  Don't forget to be grateful to God.  Speaking of journeys, keep in your head that it's not easy to run away when you're in another country.  It's also easier to get into trouble, so when you do get into trouble, you can only fight or hide.  Please pray.  OK!

It's movie night again!  Please watch this movie.  "The Devil wears Prada" (2006).  You're not a fashionista, Grace.  You are a musician.  Countless girls all over the world devote themselves to fashion.  And when they work in the fashion industry, they have to look good all the time.  No wonder they can get so grumpy.  You need to study.  Get a subscription to Vogue.  I think it's only a buck for the first year if you ordered online.  Study the ads!

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