Grace, I'm not messing around! I need to be married, but I can't afford to pay for it. I'm not allowed to profiteer off the Qur'an and the music thereof. Of course I feel and look like a jackass, but I have to have faith that Allah will grant me the means somehow, even if I have to wait until I die and go to heaven. I hope that you will have faith in me. You're young enough to still get high off of traveling and playing live, but every musician finds out eventually that touring sucks unless you have your own private jet (that doesn't crash). I find myself in a situation where I don't have to tour, I have the time to be married, raise a family, and play live everyday. But I'm broke, so I can't get married yet. Please don't get into debt, Honey. Nowadays you can record an album on your cell phone, plus songwriting gets better when you get older. Don't let them con you into believing that their production is best, when you are already better than them. Wait it out! Don't get into debt!
Ugh, I've fallen in love with Grace, even though she makes me feel totally inadequate on guitar. You're beautiful, Grace. So I will be trying to connect with you. The easiest way to go is for me to comment on one of your videos, and you can respond. Sounds good?
Do you think she'll answer, folks?