Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Or you could get bored
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
56. Say, "I am forbidden to worship those other than Allah, whom you call upon." Say, "I will not follow your vain desires. If I did, I would stray from the path, and be not of the company of those who receive guidance."
The Cattle 6:56
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas, Grace
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
64. Or Who originates creation then repeats it, and Who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? God besides Allah? Say, "Bring forth your argument, if you are telling the truth!"
The Ants 27:64
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Communication breakdown
On rare occasions when the numbers add up, I implement onto this blog what I call a "communication breakdown". That's when I don't say anything other than a video from YouTube and an occasional verse from the Qur'an, beginning tomorrow for 100 days. This time the communication breakdown coincides with the first couple of months of the second reign of El Trumpo. Grace, I will message you. InshaAllah.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Do it yourself
Looks like NYC worked out well for you! Of course, you prefer California. We all know that. Say, that Marshall stack really matches your hair, but you plugged into the Supro instead. I would love to plug into a cranked up Marshall, that might be my dying wish. I'm self taught as well. I was a drum teacher at Yamaha once upon a time, and being self taught didn't help me when teaching. It also didn't help that I didn't care much about music theory. How can you teach self-motivation? Does music come from the head or from the heart with you? In the end, my heart was in being a creator rather than a teacher.
Eventually music becomes production, so being one instrument isn't enough. If you can afford it, you could get people to complete the production. Not for me, though. I had to complete the production by myself to fulfill the vision. Other people can really mess with your vision. Try not to keep snarling at people, though. Your face will turn into a snarl, and you won't be pretty anymore. Check the mirror. Money, huh!
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
13. Or they may say, "He forged it". Say, "Bring you then ten Surahs forged like unto it, and call whomsoever you can besides Allah, if you speak the truth".
Hud 11:13
Monday, December 9, 2024
Tomorrow never dies
I love that little fluffy boa! How are you feeling, by the way? Do you like NY or LA better? You must feel like you're in a spy movie. Well, you're not. You don't dress like the girls in the video below. It's exciting though, right? Don't worry about me, I've already chosen you and I'm a pretty stubborn guy. You just guard your chastity and stick to your stream with Mary, OK!
Sunday, December 8, 2024
The doors of perception
That's a beautiful dress! You look positively fabulous, Honey. Short boots would have worked better, though. And Flava Flav looks much better nowadays.
You should read something while you're jetting around. Lyrics are difficult. You need to practice, by reading and writing. Words need to be written down and recorded like riffs.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Did I spook you, Honey? I'm sorry about that. I've gotten so used to corruption that I've forgotten how to smile. You're going to need your courage to play live so don't lose your balls, Lioness.
Did you play in Atlanta recently? I didn't see that in your schedule. I'm suspicious of the data I get from Instagram about you, especially notifications and time stamps. Whenever I message you, please acknowledge that you receive my message. A simple "OK" will do.
As for the music, make sure you are always evolving and not just playing the same thing over and over again. You might find it intimidating to be the only writer, but you're not the Beatles. Right? So get used to putting the music together on your own. Only you can feel how you feel.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
26. Say, "O Allah! Lord of Power, You give power to whom You please and You strip off power from whom You please: You endue with honor whom You please and You bring low whom You please. In Your hand is all good. Verily, over all things You have Power".
The Family of Imran 3:26
81. And say, "Truth has arrived and falsehood perished, for falsehood is bound to perish".
The Night Journey 17:81
Friday, December 6, 2024
The showbiz connection
Welcome to the cat network! If that were a male, then it would be a tuxedo. The alpha male is a dirty white boy with a long fluffy tail. I also have a male calico (very rare!). If female, then calico or tuxedo. Mama cat is an American shorthair wannabe. If none of the above, then that cat isn't part of my gang. Cats love to copy humans!
Still no snow? God is giving you such lovely weather! Ooh the abandoned prison looks haunted, Honey. I don't think they'll let you in. Here there's an abandoned courthouse downtown. I've seen things move around in there from across the street while I was waiting for my rice vermicelli noodle soup. My guess is that that you would have to provide a valid authority to the state government in order to gain access. Knowing an official helps. He probably voted for El Trumpo though, and will try to make you sleep with him.
I'm the only one in showbiz around here. I guess I connect with the rest of the world.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
I love the Strat riff! Very high energy, reminds me of cartoon chase scenes. Very creative! Well done indeed!
I have seen the guitar giveaway. You did the right thing from your position. Someone has to be the Rock Star, right? There will always be people bitching about alms, so don't pay any attention to them. However, the best way to give charity is directly to the people who need it, as quietly and anonymously as possible.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
89. And say, "I am indeed he that warns openly and without ambiguity".
The Rocky Tract 15:89
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Now that's entertainment
Ah, you have another recording industry award coming. Congratulations, Honey! One thing you must understand as you are a Global Music Ambassador, is that most of global mass media are enemies of Allah. They made enemies with me because of that, long before I even realized they were enemies of Allah. That I have no stats is proof of that. This is a serious problem for you to deal with because not only is it global but also Biblical. You are still very young, so they will try to woo you. Please don't choose them over me, because they really don't care whether you live or die.
I commented before on this blog about some other awards show, I think it was a music awards show. Taylor Swift spent her whole evening at the event, and they tried to brew up some sort of rivalry between her and some other singer. It was probably to attract attention. Looking at the numbers, I noticed that the views on YouTube for the event were about 17k I think at the time, while a pimple popping video of the same age was in the few millions. So I suggested that they turn the show into a pimple popping video.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Ranch dressing
Oh those dinosaurs are so cute! What's your favorite dinosaur? I like the really weird looking ones. Isn't Lynn Goldsmith that super famous Rock and Roll photographer? She must have been expensive to hire. I hope you got some good photos. I don't have a fascination with abandoned homes like you. All I can see is about that is labor. That black and white polaroid looks overexposed, by the way. You need more practice with that stuff.
So have you had enough of fried chicken? I had fried chicken last night! Oh no I didn't make it myself: fried chicken is too damn messy, it's easier to buy it. The strange thing about fried chicken is that even the best fried chicken in the world tastes like fried chicken. The fried chicken at the local night market is really good but actually, I needed something to dip in my home made ranch dressing. Yes Honey, I made a fresh batch of ranch dressing yesterday. None of that powdered shit for me, I use fresh onions and garlic! My home made ranch dressing is so thick and strong, it drowns out the taste of fried chicken.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
59. Say, "See you what things Allah has sent down to you for sustenance? Yet you hold forbidden some things thereof and others lawful". Say, "Has Allah indeed permitted you, or do you invent to attribute to Allah?"
Jonah 10:59
Monday, December 2, 2024
Pot roast
That sounds totally awesome! Yes Honey, the Strat really brings out rhythm chops, and make them as clear as ringing a bell. I love how fluid you've become. It's a hit! It's a hit!
A little bit of beef goes a long way. A burger patty amount of beef along with rice or bread with some veggies is a filling meal. A pot roast is so easy to cook! Just dump a chunk of beef into the pot with some bottled sauce, water and vegetables, cover it up, turn on the smallest fire, then leave it alone for 2 hours. Expensive cuts of beef aren't suitable for pot roast. The cheap cuts of beef have a lot of fat and gristle, but in a pot roast those are the best parts! I was rationing beef last night, so I made a pot roast without veggies. For the sauce I used some home made hot sauce, soy sauce and generic chilli sauce. It's not a standard recipe, it's just what I had at the moment. I cooked it until the meat shredded, then I separated the meat from the sauce, portioned them out and put them both in the cooler.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Not much going on here. I've run out of peanuts, so I have to get more. All that turkey you've been eating probably put you to sleep. Chicken and turkey meat has that effect so if you need to calm down, eat some sliced turkey or chicken breast. There's certainly a sleep culture happening all over the world. Some people find it easy to fall asleep but for the most part, sleep is whenever you get it. Especially for those with active minds. Know for sure that there are many children who stay up listening to music when they should be sleeping.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Oh Honey, I didn't realize it was Thanksgiving! I certainly have much to be thankful for. How about you? Let me guess... Not having money sucks and having money also sucks. Ah, such is life. Which sucks more? I would love to go shopping! For stuff I want for a change, not just need.
Still no snow? That's some awesome weather God is giving you. You get to show off the beautiful state of Tennessee to the rest of the world. Oh by the way I love your slide bends, they're absolutely marvelous. You should do that more often, they're your trademark. Are those really your brothers? I might be mistaken, but they're looking buff. Yeah, your Dad should teach them some weight training for sure.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
1. Say, "It has been revealed to me that a company of jinns listened. They said, 'We have really heard a wonderful recital!'".
The Jinns 72:1
Friday, November 29, 2024
Who does a better Karen?
Oh, I get the shopping cart thing! You don't have to justify such a thing to me, Honey. I'm not going to ask a penny from your treasure.
So who does the best Karen Carpenter? This girl, that girl, or Mary? Let the contest begin!
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Such a beautiful girl
Yes, I know that show! That was December 26, 2023 at the 5 Spot. You weren't dressed for success back then, but you were beautiful nonetheless. You're even better now! I like the George Clinton cover you did, Esi did an awesome job on vocals. I remember seeing you play "Lucy" at that show, that was when I was first taken by that song. It's not on YouTube anymore, sadly. As for guitar, you're obviously a better improviser today. That other guy on guitar used to have long hair, right? Just like that jacket used to have long tassels. And that guitar strap... It's only one year ago. So much has happened since.
I read that Guitar World interview, which was difficult to do. I was like other people, thought your parents paid for your album. When I first started off, it took me a long time to pay the recording studio. I had to work at a pizza joint to finance the music! I decided that knowledge is more important, and produced my last 2 albums with a Belcat 10 watt solid state practice amp. Here we are, back to the record label argument. At least you do realize that the record label is a bank. You may like some of the people, but people don't last. They will lie to you and you will choose to believe them. People die. The person you sign the contract with gets fired, and your music goes under the control of accountants. Just like Kamala. Yes it's difficult everywhere, life isn't supposed to be easy! So what difference does a record label make anyway? Unless you want to be Taylor Swift. You still have stars in your eyes, and adoring faces in your dreams so you want to play at live venues. Allah told me via the Qur'an to leave you in that, even though I try my best to show you that life IS that live venue. What you are doing might have great good in it, even though I don't like it.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
25. If you ask them who it is that created the heavens and the earth they will certainly say, "Allah". Say, "Praise be to Allah" but most of them understand not.
Luqman 31:25
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Everyone has social media
Yes Honey, the Internet has been denying my honest stats for a long time now. The "0 followers 1 following" stats you see on Mary's Instagram isn't from banning all followers, but from my twisting their corruption to work in my favor. So if you haven't guessed already, Mary's Twitch stream is being used as a vehicle for the crowd to observe the interaction between you and me. I will tell you right now when Mary's busy, then I'm busy. But if you chat with me, then I will answer when I get the chance.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
41. If they charge you with falsehood say, "My work to me and yours to you! You are free from responsibility for what I do and I for what you do!"
Jonah 10:41
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
I don't know about everyone else, but I could watch you change film cartridges over and over again. I wish I could drive around Tennessee with you. The weather looks gorgeous, make the most of it while you can.
I don't know what numbers you saw when you connected to Mary's Twitch stream, but all I see is you: today you were late. The Internet has been denying me honest numbers for decades already. But we both know from face-to-face interaction that there are many more people present at my end of the stream. This is how showbiz treats me, and they wonder why I have absolutely no desire to hang out with any of them. It wasn't always like that, though. When I was younger, I wanted to party with the cool people too. They didn't want to hang out with me however. Then after a while, I guess I just couldn't be bothered with them anymore.
Monday, November 25, 2024
That's a mushroom, Honey. I'm not sure if it were the same mushroom as the video but if it were, then it's a bit on the overripe side, I think. You did the right thing by breaking it apart, so it can spread spores and grow more. Oh that abandoned nuclear plant looks fun to explore. No snow yet over there? That doesn't make sense. God is giving you some nice weather to play in. The weather is great here, too. Overcast and comfortable, no sweating! I hate hot weather, but I've lost a lot of endurance and can't handle ice and snow anymore. I used to march many miles in the snow back in SLC, up and downhill. I wrote some great music while marching, to the rhythm of my footsteps. I also used to read while marching.
People who need to fall asleep have much longer attention spans. Folks, I have decided to use Twitch for Mary's stream starting immediately InshaAllah. The address is https://www.twitch.tv/maryunknown7 The Free-Shoutcast stream will be only for my reading the Qur'an.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
He's watching you
He's watching us, rather. I feel that the server for Mary's stream going down has been conveniently inconvenient, so I made an effort to get the Twitch stream back in business. I won't be running both streams at the same time, though. Whenever the Free-Shoutcast stream is down, I will activate the Twitch stream as backup. Again the address is https://www.twitch.tv/maryunknown7
Those little girls watching you are adorable! So who taught you to be such a late owl? Oh, I did. Sorry about that. Don't you bring Esther along on your adventures anymore? Don't you miss her? I used to spend many late nights out exploring, and I did it alone without a car. Now I have the heart disease to pay for my youth. Everyone has heart disease nowadays, but you don't need to push it. Anyway, always trust your instincts before you walk into a situation. Don't go in if you get a bad vibe. If your cell phone is behaving weird, then it's a trap. Ya Allah, please protect my Grace.
Friday, November 22, 2024
The one man band
I'm sorry but the server is down again, folks. Try back tomorrow, maybe it'll be back up.
Hello, beautiful girl. I hope you enjoyed your vinyl release show. It doesn't seem like a very big show, but that shouldn't matter. What a year it's been for you! Everything happened so quickly. Don't expect to maintain the same pace, because it can't be all good things happening all the time. Right? You got to have some bad stuff to fill in the blanks. So please try to slow down.
Oh, that bracelet looks edible! Oh, blood on the Strat... how cool. It means that you have an issue with Strat players, and the guitar itself. Good or bad? Blood. I watched your appearance on the Kelly Clarkson show. The camera work is awesome, it's the the best video of you out there. I really like your amp on that show. It's a thicker tone than the usual. I also saw that Gardens and Guns thing at the old church. You certainly have a hodge podge of musicians staffing your band. That's because you have a hodge podge of gigs. It would be nice to have a permanent lineup, but that's not easy. That's why there are so many one man bands nowadays. Don't mess around with bass and drums, Honey.
The smorgasbord
So were you impressed by that fruit and cheese spread at the WME event? I think I saw some sliced meats as well. But I wasn't interested in that. Maybe the cheese, I might stuff my pockets with the cheese since cheese is expensive here and the selection is poor. What do you think of the Las Vegas buffet? They need a vomitarium there! That's where the Romans went to puke so they could eat more. I can't eat much of such a smorgasbord. It isn't halal!
So you have all these goodies piling up in front of you. You must be absolutely thrilled being popular and a social butterfly, and you're such a pretty girl. Will you have time to make great music? Do you believe great music can be generated at a meet and greet? Hm...
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Honey, that raccoon had rabies.
Oh, a free guitar! How awesome! You know something, my cats can sing along to "Wine on Venus" with just one word: "meow". The catch is that I have to be cooking something at the time. I keep all my 7 cats indoors. That way, they don't get diseases from other animals and they don't get harmed by the humans. Unlike dogs, cats do fabulously when they stay indoors. After all, there's no such thing as doggy litter. You have to take your dogs outside, and they will come into contact with other animals. Like rabies. There's no cure for rabies. Once infected, it's a death sentence. Be careful with your dogs out there in the woods. They are your friends.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
The follower
Honey, I didn't know you voted for Trump! By the way, red vinyl is a good choice. I wouldn't do it for me, but for you it's the way to go. Make sure the music for your next album is excellent! You are now in competition with yourself. Don't pretend the music is good just for collaboration's sake.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
A global agenda
Didn't I tell you to wear that NICE ring when you chose the political path? Well it's too late now, but you still have your ambassadorship. For now. You can bet your ass the new guy is keeping an eye on us. I'm sorry Honey, but actions speak louder than words.
Rock and Roll is a dangerous profession. Since you have the money, then you should hire security for live shows and personal appearances. Staying in your bedroom has better odds for survival than playing live on stage, but it's not a sure thing. I've lost count of the assassins that have come to me, while all I do is stay here in the sticks. And I have no money! You're the one who keeps dragging Lucky Jim around. That is his name, right? Allah is the One Who determines life and death. The concept of Luck is an insult to God, and it isn't even mathematical. Anybody who believes in luck over God is a "kafir" (unbeliever). If you really believed that God protects you, then you would pray for that protection. Lest you become a lesson to be learned. What you see is not the same as what your enemies see. That is the power of God. That is a sign from God. Ya Allah, please protect my Grace.
The only way to know for sure what countries have the most fans is to take a survey. Just ask your viewers what country they're from. The most efficient way for the computer to keep account is a drop down menu. I don't know how you would put that in your stream. You're going to have to figure that out.
Monday, November 18, 2024
The Overdog
Oh I'm not comparing her to Nietzsche's overman, folks: I posted that video above as a meme. You are an overdog though, Honey. It simply means that you're not an underdog anymore. If you didn't believe me, ask George and Lenny. So congratulations, and Happy Journey!
Sunday, November 17, 2024
The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla
Australia! I've never been there. It's a long journey even from here. There's only about 29 million people for that huge plot of land, but concert crowds can get really big. Mary has a big fan base there, to my calculations. You should consider doing some shows in Australia. No Honey, I don't dress like that.
Someone on Second Life once described the music I do: they called it "apopclectic". I guess I haven't been anything other than a headliner in decades lol. You must stop taking gigs where you're not headlining unless the crowd is massive. You would be in a much better position to help others, plus have greater control and be treated with more respect. Do more headlining shows in Nashville. At the Underdog even (though you are now an overdog), do shows in tandem with your stream with Mary. InshaAllah, you will pack the place. Sure you'll be up until 4 am, but what else is there to do?
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Old musicians
I recently learned from you Honey, that young musicians will take any gig not because they have to, but because they don't know what else to do. You don't need to do many of the shows you recently accepted (where you don't headline, for example) but you do it anyway for whatever reason. To an old musician, some gigs are not worth the effort. But most of them don't know what else to do, either. In my case, I don't even want to travel anymore. So Allah helped me set up a situation where the show comes to me, and for that I am grateful. It helps me live a little longer without exerting myself, and keep my love for music.
Grace, you should listen to some Primus. Have Dekar check it out as well. My favorite Primus album is "Frizzle Fry".
Friday, November 15, 2024
I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend
Of course you are enjoying your time in LA, enamored by the wide selection of colorful sugary drinks. I didn't have any sugar today. Suddenly I have the craving, but I'm about to go to bed. I did make a wok of fried rice for dinner, it was quite colorful. My philosophy on fried rice is that it should be light in flavor, and not be weighed down by heavy sauces. I would offer you some, but I ate the whole wokful. Well, I left a little for my boys. They didn't leave a speck behind.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
A fashion agenda
You're looking great, Honey! I love what they did with your hair, I'll bet you enjoyed it too. The production has a fashion magazine aura, so I'm super excited to see what the results are. I like that they kept you modest yet elegant, as far as I could see. It's so much better than the ugly outfits that the skanky women wear in the gold digger videos. Fashion needs celebrities to push product, plus you are pretty darned pretty, so I foresee much modeling for you. Try to get paid well, OK!
Oops! Sorry the set got cut short today, folks: the power went out. Grace, it's not necessary for you to know Mary's entire set list. Just jam it out and be alert: you know quite well that she can put you to sleep. Jam it out and be energetic! If you're good you'll get it, if you're not you'll fake it. Ask your viewers to help you identify the songs.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Set list
Yes Honey, that is a nice booty and I like it very much. Please don't get bloated. It's so much nicer than what you drew on your set list. I like your set list. You don't have many songs on it but you're still young and you're a jam band anyway, so that's about an hour and half of music. Just don't be boring with your jams! Keep an eye on your drummer's face!
You're probably wondering about Mary's set list. I'm the one who made the list, but Mary is one who decides what songs she sings each day. Mary is emotional singer, and there is no sincerity when her emotions don't match the song. Currently there are 329 songs on the list. I have the songs programmed into a cell phone which also doubles as Mary's monitor. The media player is set on random, so it selects which song is played next. If Mary doesn't feel like singing that song, she skips to the next one. That way she can keep pounding out songs one after another for 2 hours straight with minimal pause, and it's practically impossible to have the same list as the day before. If you want me to type down the current list for you, I can email it to you. I'm not going to display it here because I don't want the crowd to see it. I don't have your email address.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Hm, Levi's and Dick & Skip seem like precise decisions to me. I'll bet Anna had something to do with it. Oh, you love California! Yes Honey, I am well aware of that. People will constantly bait you with California to get you riled up about it. California on the other hand, regards me as insane. Here I am trying to save your purity. Now that you are becoming more successful, more groups will try to possess you. So be strong and resist them.
They will steal your hair and other small items because they practice witchcraft. Your hair is easy to steal, I'm sure you shed like a fluffy kitten. Sigh... such an easy target. This time around their goal is slander, to give you the reputation of a slut. So be ready. Don't forget that hidden cameras are everywhere and always rolling in Hollywood!
Monday, November 11, 2024
The Antichrist is a computer expert
Hi there, hard working musician! Still playing "Who knows?" God knows.
In Islam, the Antichrist is known as the "Dajjal". The Dajjal must appear first before Jesus Christ (peace be on him) makes his return.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
24. Or have they taken for worship gods besides God? Say, "Bring your convincing proof: this is the message of those with me and the message of those before me." But most of them know not the truth, and so turn away.
The Prophets 21:24
Sunday, November 10, 2024
We love bass
Hey, Greenville looked pretty good. Congratulations, Honey.
We love bass! You don't have to play a million notes a minute to impress me. A solid and infectious bass line is all it takes!
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
77. Have you not turned your vision to those who were told to hold back their hands but establish regular prayers and spend in regular charity? When the order for fighting was issued to them behold, a section of them feared men as or even more than they should have feared Allah. They said, "Our Lord! Why have You ordered us to fight? Would You not grant us respite to our term, near?" Say, "Short is the enjoyment of this world: the hereafter is the best for those who do right, never will you be dealt with unjustly in the very least!"
The Women 4:77
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Music must be an everyday thing for a musician. This is what defines us as musicians, thus others depend on the music.
Greenville, huh? That's very humble of you. I looked at your Japan recap. Didn't you clean those leather shorts all the while you were there, Jim Morrison? You should consider Australia next. They speak English but it's not as explosive as Britain. Make sure you put ads on your stream whenever you gig internationally. Mexico is next, right? I both envy you and am happy for you. I feel left behind, but I choose the hereafter. This is my path. You have such a short set list. You should record your entire show, then listen to the jams to check whether they all sound the same. If they do, then you need to add more chaos to your jams. Especially groove wise. You don't do the "love dreamer" part for "Lucy"? Don't leave that part out, it's beautiful. But instead of fading out, make it increasingly louder and angrier then end abruptly.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
176. They ask you for a legal decision. Say, "Allah directs about those who leave no descendants nor ascendants as heirs. If it is a man that dies leaving a sister but no child, she shall have half the inheritance: if a woman who left no child, her brother takes her inheritance: if there are two sisters, they shall have two-thirds of the inheritance: if there are brothers and sisters, the male having twice the share of the female." Thus does Allah make clear to you lest you err. And Allah has knowledge of all things.
The Women 4:176
Friday, November 8, 2024
For some reason, you remind me of Beethoven. Anyway, I think it's quaint that you enjoy exploring the ruins of other people's lives. It's more hazardous to do so here because of snakes and other varmints, also the overgrowth is much more intense. Don't forget that the woods are supernatural, and it's pretty much a sure thing you're going to encounter some ghosts. When you get frightened, say "I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected" over and over again.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Target audience
Oh Honey, sorry about the loss. Please try not to feel too much about it.
And the new guy might put an effort into gun control since he got shot. Unless of course, that was just an act.
Also your position in California might improve now that Hollywood has lost more power. It's not a blessing, though.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Not the grapes of wrath again
Are you getting too much attention? Then just hide, Honey.
I was at the Tuesday market, when I saw some beautiful purple grapes. The guy was selling them at 15 bucks for 2 kilos. That's cheap, so I bought it. I munched on grapes on the way home, and they were plump, firm, juicy and sweet. Perfect grapes. I didn't eat that many, maybe less than 10. And I found out why they were so cheap: I got diarrhea. I got the runs so bad, it was like turning on the faucet full blast.
What to do with 2 kilos of grapes? I can't eat them. I can't give them away for someone else to eat. I can't throw them away, that's a lot of grapes and I spent 15 bucks on them! So I thought I could cook the diarrhea out of the grapes. There were so many grapes that it took a lot of labor to remove the seeds. You can see below the end result. I didn't want to dry them up nor add anything. The flavor is excellent. I blended them up, and got the thickness of a V8 vegetable juice. Too runny for toast, but why not. There are many ways to use this, from sweetening fried noodles to crushed ice treats. So far, no more diarrhea. I would rather have eaten them straight up, though.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
What did you say to them, Grace? They're pulling such funny faces. One of them is obviously missing.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Shure SM57
I like that new song! And the Flying V looks great on you. Is it comfortable? And is that a Chanel jacket? It sure looks like it. Congratulations on your sold out shows. I told you Mary has a huge fan base in Japan. Now you have the option to play at a larger venue, or to have a longer engagement at Blue Note when you return to Japan. I recommend the longer engagement. Or you can go on tour, and subject yourself to all that dangerous chaos. Don't forget the none of you speak Japanese. I say make them take the train to Tokyo to see you perform live. If you wanted to see the whole country, make it recreation not business. Before you leave the country, make sure you keep a tab on your boys so you don't lose any of them. Black men love Asian women.
Whenever you stream from a venue, please set up a microphone on a stand for Mary. Just for show. Just to show that you care about her. You can remove it for your own set. She uses a Shure SM57, no wind screen.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Trouble is a friend
Hello, beautiful girl! I knew there was something fishy about that 4:30 pm slot. Well you can't say anything about it now, so don't. The lesson to be learned from this is spiritual: Allah will not change the fate of a people until they change it themselves. I hope you are enjoying your time in Japan otherwise. That guy on the bass is not the right guy, by the way. Take Kinga Glyk as your permanent bassist.
It's the school holidays over here. This village is crawling with teenage girls on motorcycles. I'm having ramen for lunch today. I finally have all the ingredients after a tough last month, namely a beef bone, salted fish heads, garlic, seaweed, carrot, egg, fish cake, okra and a pack of curry flavor ramen. Oh, and some chicken skin for making artificial bacon bits! You should try some ramen while you're in Tokyo. It shouldn't hurt your tummy.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
The guitar strap
Yes Honey, I saw the Madame President video. That's a nice production, but I really wanted to see the BBQ. That vote strap has become somewhat your trademark, no? I didn't see you wear it at Gibson Japan, so I thought you gave up on it. What do you think of US debt? Not many countries are allowed to raise their own debt ceilings. As long as you maintain your own community, that would be the most patriotic thing you could do. Food prices are bound to go up, so get ready for that.
Friday, November 1, 2024
The lips move but the instrument sings
I'm sorry Honey, but Muslims don't celebrate Halloween. You look like you had a lot of fun, though. Wandering around Tokyo alone at night, being with the crowd. You must love Tokyo. I'm happy that you got back to your hotel room at 9 pm. You're a good girl, you know that? One thing you should know about being a Rock Star is that nobody's going to stop you from doing nasty things, but you won't be able to hide it because you are a Rock Star. Please be a good girl.
Is that your new white amp? You got a Mesa Boogie? Good choice! It matches your hair. I love to watch you play guitar. You have so much purity about it. Your lips move, but your guitar does the singing.
Hey, check it out! Lucy killed the Great Pumpkin! Didn't you write a song called "Lucy"?
Thursday, October 31, 2024
So are you enjoying the elevator ride up? Now be careful with what you say over there because the Japanese are sensitive to slander. It's funny that you would post an aisle of Japanese candy the first thing when you got there. Which reminds me of Japanese pop music, and their warped sense of femininity. While American women are generally either ashamed of their femininity or just plain filthy about it, the Japanese gravitate towards the image of a mutant little girl. I dare you to wear an outfit on stage like the video. I double dog dare you.
That Japanese candy is flashy, but low quality. Look around to find the good stuff. Japan has great food, even though most of it isn't halal so I can't touch it. I didn't find the frozen yogurt place downtown here. I could have sworn I saw such a place. It probably didn't catch on. What I did see was soft serve. I suppose it doesn't matter to me since I don't have a sugar addiction. Besides, the ice cream in the grocery store freezers is pretty good quality.
By the way, I noticed you are gigging in Tempe next February. Nice gig too, by the canal. I used to veg out there and watch the water. Don't expect any help out of my influence there in Tempe, because I was loathed. What you get out of Tempe is entirely you. February is a nice time to be in Tempe. NEVER accept any shows in the Phoenix area during summer.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Hello Grace! Are you enjoying yourself? That photo of you sitting in your plane seat is so cute! So how do you like international travel? One can get lost in those huge airports, and who knows which shuttle to take. I would love to be there just to watch your herd of lost sheep wander around in confusion, while I munch on some chips but the chips are 3 times more expensive than usual. International travel is exhilarating! Right? I saw your appearance on the Kelly Clarkson show. Was that a last minute thing? Esi and Mookie weren't there. Your guitar tone was awesome with that new white amp of yours, but your playing was more cautious than usual.
I'm afraid the Free-Shoutcast server is down again, folks. Try again tomorrow, it might be back up. I can't use the Twitch stream because my last computer died, and I need a gaming PC to replace it, and I don't have money for that. So I'm giving Mary the day off today, and I'm going downtown to find a frozen yogurt place.
Grace you might be eyeing China next, and Mary certainly has a huge Chinese following. Everything is saturated in China though, so you should probably choose an artsy venue. Streaming is especially saturated there, but they can't make much of a global impact in music because their English is so awful!
This is not America
So what do you think of that Funkadelic album? It's long, huh! The production is very slick. Most importantly, it isn't funky enough. Do you agree?
I'm afraid I can't follow your grace_bowers_pix page because I want to keep Mary's Instagram at 0 followers and 1 following. But I will look at it through search. So is that what you do with your free time, go traipsing through the forest? The woods are supernatural, you know. Eventually you're going to find something weird. Your spirituality is poor, but say this when you get frightened: "I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected". The most effective prayer against the supernatural is longer and in Arabic. I have no choice but to live a life of service to Allah and besides, Mary attracts a lot of ghosts. Isn't that obvious? Anyway, I don't go wandering in the jungle here. I don't have that much free time. I guess you need to stay somewhat busy because you're bursting with energy. How about you learn how to cook?
Monday, October 28, 2024
Something different
Oh, you got yourself a resonator! That looks nice and new. It's not very loud, though. That's probably because you chose one with a magnetic pickup. I'm not fond of acoustic guitars, but I wouldn't mind having a resonator. A big fat chrome one.
What do you think of the instrument in the video? I think it's ingenious. The sample isn't very pleasing to the eye, but the concept is sound and flexible. There should be a 6 spring version. How about a fretted version? How about one with springs and strings? There's so much that can be done with this thing. I want one!
Oh dear, I guess they're pressuring you to sign. I warned you to get ready for this! Don't sign! They will definitely lie to you, off and on contract. Be an American, and fight them off. Get Nashville to back you up. I suppose I have to give you my email. They will still spy on you, but at least you can sue your email and them for the security breach. Speak clearly and don't spam me. Don't sign! Ya Allah please protect my Grace.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
When you build it, there is life
Hi there, Big Shot! Wow, that guy looks exactly like Ray Charles. And Happy Birthday to Esther! Get her a nice microphone, and tell her to kiss it a lot to get the low notes out. That collaboration of Recording Academy and State Dept is interesting. Did you choose your own clothes for the event? Your style has become more educated. Take your time with your next album Ambassador, and make sure you get it right. Many raw tracks can be done at home to save money. I want to hear you kick my butt in the studio. Don't sign!
You hate it when people say bad things about you, don't you? More than most people, especially me. You better be careful with that attitude because it makes you a puppet on a string for not one, but many puppeteers. I've learned to ignore them, but you're addicted to social media. Anyway, I plan on having Shadowplay concerts here, that people could come here from all over the world InshaAllah. Why go to them when they come to me? That's what my enemies do, why not everyone else? It has to be done properly, because Mary will need an avatar. People are already moving in in droves, for business and religious reasons. I pray I won't be too old to perform when the time is complete. I'm sure you can sense the life grow from over there. Don't sign!
Saturday, October 26, 2024
It's a crazy business
I saw that magazine cover you were on. "Guitar Thrills", eh? Never heard of it. No matter, I'm sure you will be featured on the older guitar magazines eventually. Being in those magazines isn't a gauge of how good you are, but how famous you are. Plus, you look great! It's a sure thing. InshaAllah. I also saw what you did to your SG. Do you like it?
I had to push the motorcycle a mile to the mechanic. I can't even fix a flat tire, that's how pathetic I am at that stuff. I'm much better at putting together computers, but only in the context of how the machine serves me. I always seem to be at odds with how the mainstream conducts its business. It's a habit I picked up from being oppressed for being poor. By God's will, it would put me on top. I would love to go shopping, though. But I don't think my habits would change.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Wherever you go, there you are
What hump, Grace? I get a picture in my head of your hosting a party filled with celebrities at your mansion in Beverly Hills. It seems to me that must be your goal in life, everything else is just a hump. I suppose there would be an obvious obstacle to overcome if you were broke, but you're not. The most important lesson about fame that you can't seem to learn is this: wherever you go, there you are. Sometimes you remind me of a typical driver on the road nowadays, always in a big hurry to get nowhere. Speaking of driving, I'm going to have to walk to the mosque because someone keeps vandalizing my motorcycle. Fame, huh!
Anyway, I don't like meet and greets. I suppose you're there to touch people, but please don't hug anyone OK! Learn from what happened to Christina Grimmie. Ya Allah, please protect my Grace.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
38. Say to the unbelievers, if they desist their past would be forgiven them but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is all ready.
The Spoils of War 8:38
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Where did the food go
Nice vibes. I'm glad to see you write music. Wow, 346k followers already! That's about 120k increase in 6 months! You must find all this extra attention intoxicating. I pray that you give the equal amount of attention to your growth as a musician. I suppose it's nice to have a bigger band, but it depends on your artistic vision. What is your artistic vision again? Do you already have something worked out? A little piece of real estate in the clouds?
There used to be only Bitcoin, and Bitcoin was designed to be finite. But it got popular, now there are many different cryptocurrencies, and they remain unregulated. Governments think they can tax cryptocurrencies, and that would create balance. But the buying power of cryptocurrencies over commodities is unchecked, and that is dangerous. Virtual money and interest must not be more valuable than commodities. Agriculture must be protected. The farmer must be protected.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Don't bore your drummer
Yes you do have good rhythm with that familiar song, and your drummer knows the changes. I remember your posting a tutorial on how to play "Madame President", and that was good too. But can you keep it interesting in a 2 hour jam? The crowd listens to the singer and sings along, but can you entertain your band?
I've seen 2 or more hour blues jams, but you don't have a blues drummer right? Sure he can be subtle, but energetic music is his strength. You must learn more rhythms, particularly world music, to keep your funk interesting.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
I'm not married
You must be feeling high right now, so congratulations on your great week. Please try to calm down. Guard your chastity and purity.
P.S. Don't bore your drummer!
Monday, October 21, 2024
Too busy working
That's a nice rendition of the national anthem, Honey. Your best videos so far have been when you are playing alone.
So you people are saying that I'm broke because I don't go out at 7 am and work? I'm too busy working! Do you think that what I do is easy and anybody can do it? Are you saying that what I do is worthless and unprofitable?
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
147. If they accuse you of falsehood say, "Your Lord is full of Mercy, All-Embracing". But from people in guilt, never will God's wrath be turned back.
The Cattle 6:147
Sunday, October 20, 2024
But the funk begins with bass
Honey, it sure looks like Kamala is giving you Bootsy Collins. The trouble is when you take Bootsy, it won't be your band anymore and you will owe Kamala and her gang a big favor.
Why on earth would you be able to get Bootsy? It's because you are bigger than Bootsy. It's because you are MY girl. It's because you are not just you anymore, you are also me. So follow my instructions, Honey: slow the fuck down. Be grateful to God and savor the small community you've created with the resources you already have. You've already given Kamala your endorsement, so she has nothing to worry about.
I'll have you know that I've never heard your stream. I don't even know what the address is because you don't publish it. Also Mary is attention consuming, so I can't do anything else within that time. So it took me this long to realize that you weren't being upbeat with the music. If I were you, I would be frustrated and irritated. But also if I were you, I would have put metal to that singing from the beginning. Or jazz. And of course, funk.
You do need a kick ass bass player, and I recommend Kinga GÅ‚yk. I understand that she recently got into an accident right before the release of her latest album. If that were true (confirm), then she will need stability and might just join you. She's in Poland, though. To get Kinga, you will need her agreement, to sponsor her visa, to get her a plane ticket, a place to live and an income. She does have her own material, so she could add to your streaming revenue. Also, she could teach you a great deal about music. Bonus: she also plays an red EB-3 bass!
But if you can't get Kinga, then it doesn't matter! Just keep doing what you're already doing. In your case, the funk begins with you.
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