Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sailor Moon


Let's take a look at all these fresh faces:
I feel that I can safely assume that none of you has ever been outside of the US.  Canada doesn't count, but Mexico does.  You will probably end up traveling more than I did, so get your minds ready.  Nobody speaks English outside of the US.  That is a generalization, but go ahead and put that in your pockets.  I'm sure you would be able to find plenty of "what not to do in Japan" videos on YouTube.  I've been to Japan twice, both times I didn't step outside of Narita.  The second time I was crazy enough to travel internationally while flat broke.  I didn't have money for airport tax.  Now that I think back on it, that was a chance for me to live in Japan.  But someone paid it for me, so a much belated thanks to whoever it was.

Shadowplay's Japanese connection is entirely cultural but massive, Masha Allah.  Boss, you better be ready to call lost and found just in case one of your boys goes missing due to a fuck fest with Japanese groupies.  There are two significant Japanese connections: the first is Sailor Moon.  I found Sailor Moon when I was in my 30's.  The most important literature is the original manga (comic book), and the first 5 seasons of the anime (cartoon) comprising of 200 episodes.  I have all of this.  If you were to collect and study this, be certain that the community would know and appreciate it.  I would have you study this, but you're out of time.  Incredible.  18 years old, and you're already out of time.  It would be best for you to cram in the anime while you can.

Saturday, September 21, 2024



No, you're not a monster.  You are MY girl.  You are sweet, beautiful, and you have a heart of gold.

Japan has a low crime rate, so you don't need to worry about that.  But they are fanatical about things like honor and work ethic.  Japan is a culture that centers on work.  Mary Unknown7 is big in Japan. Her stream airs at 2 pm Japan time.  Why do you suppose that you are scheduled to perform at 4:30 pm one day then at 7:30 pm the next day at the same venue?  I advise you to arrive early both days and stream from the venue.  Ask permission first.  Mary has a huge fan base in Japan, please don't waste it by not streaming when you are there.  You should also prepare an ad in Japanese to air during the stream promoting your upcoming show.  I'm sure someone speaks Japanese in Nashville.  Or just get someone in Japan to produce the ad..  Don't forget that you are a US official.  There has to be perks.  Do your research, Honey.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Internet culture


Congratulations on your award!  Did they give you a free Les Paul?  Also, I really like the clip where Dekar sings and I can hear you play a funky wah phrase.  Is that tune yours?  It's really good!  Oh, you're going to Tokyo!  Japan is a good choice for your first international gig.  Watch your stomachs!  I advise you and your gang to stick to McDonald's food.

I suppose I am a product of Internet culture.  If I had attained success the traditional way like you, I would probably had become a completely different person and our paths would never had crossed.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The traditional way


That first slide is beautiful.  Yes Honey, I am well aware that you are still touring.  I do envy you and your rockin' life, but I don't.  I don't want to look upon thousands of faces and be adored and worshiped.  I am a servant of God.  It's great if you could fly instead of drive.  The road is exhausting and dangerous.  Travel is for the young, so have a great time Honey.

You seem intent on following the "traditional way" of doing music business.  Here's a video for you to study while you're sitting in your vehicle.  I like this guy's production, he seems well aware of music business plus he is familiar with current artistes.  The expense of being social outweighs income when it comes to music biz, so eventually friends turn against each other.  Your income is more efficient than the major stars, so keep it that way by keeping your social/business circle small.  Less traitors that way.  Don't desire what they have.  Be grateful with what Allah has given you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Boss


Yes, keep that vote strap on.

So it's those guys, huh.  You sound out of place, like classic rock playing over Seattle grunge.  You really shouldn't respond to those guys, your dilemma is that you've already responded.  I need to remind you that you are a Rock Star, not a politician.  So stop being so nice to people who want to use you.  You are above them, so they want to use you until they use you up.  Ignore them from now on.  Behave like a Rock Star, for God's sake.  Or else they will treat you like a silly girl.

Maggie Rose!  I find that so hard to believe.  But when I study her post, I find no humility nor acknowledgement that you have surpassed her.  Her language reminds me of Eric's behavior on stage.  Maggie Rose is a tough call, Honey.  You're going to have to wait and see until she manipulates you to dump me and your dowry, or you to do something to make me dump you like being unfaithful or an alcoholic/junkie.  I advise you not to smile.  Maintain eye contact when you talk with her.

Don't you have your own vision to manifest?  You stream with Mary so you don't have to worry about money, so you can work on creating music with your band.  It takes a lot of work to write great music Boss, so stop wasting time being social.  You must cut back on guest jams.  Not only is it a political mess, but also extra work you don't need.  James Brown had singular vision, and was a serious taskmaster.  Behave like a boss, Boss.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Hi Honey, what's up?  Looks like you're home for a couple of days.  Not much going on here other than the usual.  Same old same old.  **Yawn**  I'm going back to sleep.

You will encounter persons who are enemies to both of us even though they seem OK, and they will try to convince you to abandon marriage to me and your stream with Mary.  Don't allow them to influence you.

Monday, September 16, 2024



Yes you do do that, don't you?  You don't need to tell me why.  And you always lead them into that.  We are musicians.  We do what we do because that's who we are.  It's important to manage your fear, so you don't become paralyzed by it.  I told before to put your fear in the right place, but you don't understand that.  Being completely fearless is not an asset, either.  I could tell you stories of how I bulldozed myself into the darkest corners, but I don't want to share it with the crowd.  Maybe one day, when we're having coffee together one on one.  InshaAllah.

So you don't have a permanent bass player yet?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

All my life


I told you already that the solution to your fear is to not leave the house and just stream.  That you choose to travel around and perform on stage means you have to confront your fear, aggressively and with confidence.  Putting up an act doesn't cut it.  Sure you have good people and you can rely on them just makes the responsibility worse, because who cares if bad people get wiped out?  Don't assume that others are responsible for your safety: it's the other way around.  It's your band, right?  That means you're the boss.  Choose your gigs wisely, boss.  The President, he's not the boss.  Other people are responsible for his safety.

I have been a musician all my life.  I write the music and it's my vision.  I used to work at the pizza joint to finance the music, now I follow instructions that Allah gives me via the Qur'an.  Allah granted me this music, and Allah guides me as to my responsibility to others.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

43.  The unbelievers say, "No messenger are you".  Say, "Enough for a witness between me and you is Allah, and such as have knowledge of the Book".

The Thunder 13:43

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Eat that fish


Doesn't Gary usually play an SG?  I haven't played my guitar since I finished production on "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7".  I've just been watching a lot of Grace Bowers videos.  No, it's not that...  I'm bummed that I don't have a nice amp.  I don't even have a fresh number 7 from Supercuts.  All my lines are Hollywood, though.  You don't scare me, Grace Bowers.  Besides, I need to get started on the next production.  I'm being lazy.  And you need a bigger set list.  And more full song uploads.

I have to vacuum clean and mop the house this morning.  You know how the song goes, I might not be clean but I sure clean up.  Actually no, I hate housekeeping.  I'm not good at it, never have been, never will be.  I just can't help myself, it's my chemistry.  I hope the rain lets up so I can go get some groceries and some fresh fish for my cats.  The rain did pause later.  Don't worry folks, the girls got fresh fish too.

Check out this next video.  Andre is excellent at putting babble to music.  Is that an orange guitar he's playing?

Friday, September 13, 2024



What, no coffee mugs?  Better make that 3 sizes: regular, double and triple size coffees.  Those tacos look kind of snooty to me.  I haven't had a taco in years.  Corn meal isn't common around here, let alone taco shells.  Hm, maybe I can make that my next food project.  It would make the locals gape in awe.  Yikes, 16 bucks for 12 taco shells!   It's cheaper to roll out a mini tortilla then make a snooty taco.  San Francisco sure looks clean from that photo.  The last I checked the news, SF had turned into a gator pit of junkies and criminals bred to guard the skyscrapers of the wealthy.  I'm sure you wouldn't photograph that.

Junna is a great drummer.  She has tons of energy, and dramatic too.  A real pro drummer.  How old do you think she is?  My guess is she's in her 30s.  Don't be fooled by the pigtails.

Thursday, September 12, 2024



Hi Grace!  Nice to see you snap out of it.  You do that everytime, so why bother being afraid to begin with.  Oh, you met Tal Wilkenfeld!  She used to play bass for Jeff Beck.  Don't worry Honey, you're not going to get anywhere close to Jeff when you don't use that tremolo arm and volume knob musically.  **Wink wink**  

There's no perfection in this life, Honey.  It's either too much or too little.  For those big trains, it's always never enough.  Don't try to catch up with them.  Just go at the pace of a bicycle, and get off the tracks to let them pass.  At least you're not one of those wannabes.  You're actually working and making a living with music.  Everyday.  I feel sorry for them, watching the videos.  But someone has to be the wannabes, and it makes me feel sorry for myself.  I must be grateful that I chose to be near to Allah.  

I don't know if I can keep up with all your photos Honey, I'm not that obsessive and I have my own stuff to do, which I need to get back to doing it.  I've been vegging out watching my favorite playlist.  It's a simple blessing.  Roasted peanuts go great with crunchy anchovies.  Want some?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Hi Grace.  Are you feeling scared again?  You're going to be OK inshaAllah.  Don't take any risks, and try to stay out of sight.  Ya Allah, please protect my Grace and her loved ones.  I was among those who waited for your premiere of the "Wine on Venus" video.  You look beautiful, my darling.  Dekar should have worn a black undershirt beneath the black net shirt instead of a white undershirt.  The white undershirt stuck out in the video, and gave the vibe that he should be holding a beer instead of a drumstick.  Thank you for making the video.  I can now replace the album cover version in my playlist.

Here's something that you should study.  Frank Sinatra played a major role in the presidential election of JFK.  JFK won the election by 100,000 votes, the smallest margin in US history.  It was Frank's mob connection that gave JFK the votes to win.  What followed is not a blessing.  JFK and his brother got murdered, and now the Jewish/Italian mob rules Israel, with significant influence over US politics.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available!  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Woo Hoo
2.  The Lowly Grasshopper
3.  Walnuts
4.  Gyrlie Roxtar
5.  Interested?
6.  Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7.  Hidden Enemies
8.  The Curse
9.  Bomb
10.  Woo Hoo Again
11.  Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is part one of a 4 part concept called "Woo Hoo".  The second part is called SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast".  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Air Born
2.  Gunman
3.  Ironhorse
4.  Noise
5.  The Web
6.  Dream Within A Dream
7.  Cadence
8.  The Spirit Trail
9.  The Beast
10.  Justice
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except lead vocals by Mary Unknown7.
SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Book review


Aw, I wanted to watch the "Wine on Venus" video but you keep pushing back the premier.  I guess I will just have to wait till tonight like everyone else.

I don't usually do book reviews.  The only book reviews I've ever done are for Vogue.  I think it's because I have a cat named Anna.  Anyway, here's my review of Vogue US September 2024.  Louis Vuitton ran away with this issue.  Everything they posted is great, especially the collection that Ghesquière photographed.  Best outfit goes to the dress that Rachel Brosnahan wore.  Oh, it's not current?  Oh well.  Also great is the catsuit on Blake.  Any of the clothes by Dolce and Gabbana that covered up Miley's hideous tattoos is great.  Also that fluffy outfit by Alexander McQueen.  I love those Coach boots.  Overall, no outstanding eyesores in this issue.  I don't like fat models but again, oh well.  Vogue still needs to work harder on Vogue ads.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available!  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Woo Hoo
2.  The Lowly Grasshopper
3.  Walnuts
4.  Gyrlie Roxtar
5.  Interested?
6.  Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7.  Hidden Enemies
8.  The Curse
9.  Bomb
10.  Woo Hoo Again
11.  Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is part one of a 4 part concept called "Woo Hoo".  The second part is called SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast".  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Air Born
2.  Gunman
3.  Ironhorse
4.  Noise
5.  The Web
6.  Dream Within A Dream
7.  Cadence
8.  The Spirit Trail
9.  The Beast
10.  Justice
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except lead vocals by Mary Unknown7.
SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

Monday, September 9, 2024



Very nice!  Very jazzy.  It's amazing how fluid you've become.  So are you in love with the lick, or with yourself, or with your shoes?  Wow, it's September already.  It's going to get colder, so watch out for that ice on the road.  Be safe and healthy.  Also, beware of people your own age.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available!  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Woo Hoo
2.  The Lowly Grasshopper
3.  Walnuts
4.  Gyrlie Roxtar
5.  Interested?
6.  Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7.  Hidden Enemies
8.  The Curse
9.  Bomb
10.  Woo Hoo Again
11.  Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is part one of a 4 part concept called "Woo Hoo".  The second part is called SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast".  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Air Born
2.  Gunman
3.  Ironhorse
4.  Noise
5.  The Web
6.  Dream Within A Dream
7.  Cadence
8.  The Spirit Trail
9.  The Beast
10.  Justice
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except lead vocals by Mary Unknown7.
SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hulk needs a wife


Hi Grace!  I'm sure you are on the road at this time.  I hope you had a great show, and I look forward to seeing it on YouTube.  Please keep safe and healthy.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available! Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1. Woo Hoo
2. The Lowly Grasshopper
3. Walnuts
4. Gyrlie Roxtar
5. Interested?
6. Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7. Hidden Enemies
8. The Curse
9. Bomb
10. Woo Hoo Again
11. Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music. Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is part one of a 4 part concept called "Woo Hoo". The second part is called SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast". Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1. Air Born
2. Gunman
3. Ironhorse
4. Noise
5. The Web
6. Dream Within A Dream
7. Cadence
8. The Spirit Trail
9. The Beast
10. Justice
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except lead vocals by Mary Unknown7.
SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast" is free music. Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7


So how did it get so loud?  Wouldn't you like to know!  Figure it out yourselves, Smartie Pants!  Those Fender tube amps can get pretty loud, but not loud enough for the big stages.  You need a Marshall stack.  The modern stacks can sound great at low volumes but most importantly, a Marshall stack would match the hair.  So when will I be able to see your whole Opry set?

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available!  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Woo Hoo
2.  The Lowly Grasshopper
3.  Walnuts
4.  Gyrlie Roxtar
5.  Interested?
6.  Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7.  Hidden Enemies
8.  The Curse
9.  Bomb
10.  Woo Hoo Again
11.  Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is part one of a 4 part concept called "Woo Hoo".  The second part is called SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast".  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Air Born
2.  Gunman
3.  Ironhorse
4.  Noise
5.  The Web
6.  Dream Within A Dream
7.  Cadence
8.  The Spirit Trail
9.  The Beast
10.  Justice
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except lead vocals by Mary Unknown7.
SHADOWPLAY - "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The golden spider


Is that guy bugging you?  Whatever it is he does, he can't block your music because you are above him now.  You are MY girl.  Stay at home and hide when you feel you're attracting too much attention.

SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is now available!  Feel free to download, copy and share this mp3.
1.  Woo Hoo
2.  The Lowly Grasshopper
3.  Walnuts
4.  Gyrlie Roxtar
5.  Interested?
6.  Cry Baby Oh Yeah
7.  Hidden Enemies
8.  The Curse
9.  Bomb
10.  Woo Hoo Again
11.  Sanctuary
All songs copyright Azham Abdullah except "Sanctuary" copyright Daniel Boregino.
All instruments by Azham Abdullah except:
Mary Unknown7: lead vocals
Daniel Boregino: lead vocals and keyboards on "Sanctuary"
John Herron: drums on "Sanctuary"
SHADOWPLAY - "Woo Hoo featuring Mary Unknown7" is free music.  Feel free to download, copy and distribute this music.
Glory to Allah.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

40.  Say, "Have you seen 'partners' of yours whom you call upon besides Allah?  Show me what it is the they have created in the earth.  Or have they a share in the heavens?"  Or have We given them a Book from which their clarity?  No, the wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusions.

The Originator of Creation 35:40

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Hi Grace.  What's up, I haven't heard from you.  With you no news is bad news, so I assume you're having a "too many lovers" problem.  It's not the same problem for men, so I guess all I can say is be safe and guard your chastity.

I used to cultivate mango trees as an attempt to get some halal income.  That didn't work out, and it left me with resentment towards what other people regarded as halal.  I still have a few trees left from that time, and they finally flowered earlier this year.  I kept them short so I could easily reach the fruit.

No more farming for me!  It was a mistake to veer away from music, but life is supposed to be difficult and the world is full of other people.  I would like to point out the farmer in the video who achieved seedless mangoes.  What do they taste like?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The extreme


Oh you're so pretty!  No wonder people are jealous of you.  Can I join you in the shower to watch your hair routine?  I could watch a video loop of just you playing with your hair.  I'm sure many people would agree with me that that's one of the highlights of your live shows.  Oh, you got a bicycle!  I'm happy to see that you're getting exercise.  That's beautiful country too, a nice long bike ride in that scenery is great for the heart.  Helps you think, too.  Make sure you think in music, not just words.  And don't forget to work out your upper arms and shoulders.  A weight bench is my preferred workout, but I don't have one.  I do have a couple of small weights, but otherwise I try to be active in the yard.  Yes Honey, I know I have to cut the grass but I also want to clear out all the creepers on the cashew tree.

Rock and Roll is supposed by the crowd to some sort of extreme, so bands often use some sort of shock value in their act so as not to be boring.  Sure we need to explore and experiment, but not at the expense of our health and sanity.  And the end result should be great music, not just shock value.

I really really really want that fretless guitar in the video below.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024



From now on, if you didn't want to do a gig then don't do it.  So what if you get a bad reputation?  You're a Rock Star not a politician, so behave like a Rock Star.  In your case you are a beautiful young girl, so when you paint the picture that you're MY princess and you don't have any faith in the security of the situation, it would be absolutely believable and they would have no choice but to accept it.  Don't try to be "part of the gang", because you're not.  You are global.  You still have plenty of time to react to your September gigs, so please don't put yourself and your loved ones in unnecessary danger caused by emotional baggage.

I'm sure Kamala is well aware of you and your song by now.  Whether she admits or reacts to it is irrelevant.  Don't expect any praise, favors or handouts from politicians.  Don't play groupie with them.  You are a Rock Star, not a groupie.  You endorse them, not the other way around.

Monday, September 2, 2024



Honey, I would join your email list if you promised to talk to me like I'm your husband.  If you spoke to me like spam, I wouldn't like it.  If you could promise me that, I will give you my email via that list.

That was a big house that Michael Jackson lived in.  He had lots of guests, but he also had a lot of personal space with heavily locked doors.  Michael chose his public appearances carefully.  One can only be lonely in a crowd, and he had his own personal crowd to be lonely in.  If I had all that space, I would spend most of my time in one room, filled mostly with musical instruments and a carpet for a bed.  I like to sleep on the floor.  My room would definitely have climate control.  The kitchen would be large and fully stocked, and I would personally supervise it.  Kitchen activity is very time consuming, so most family time would be in the kitchen.  I would probably have a mini office there.  I despise commute and labor, so housekeeping and yard would be fully staffed, and groceries would be delivered.  Ha ha, dream on.  I'm so poor, I can't even afford to be reclusive.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

On the road again


You have to have a nice ring, not just a plain silver ring.  Of course, it shouldn't get in the way of your guitar.  A ring when someone looks at it and says, "That's a nice ring".  That's because you're a beautiful woman who's very precious and you're a Rock Star who represents the good ole US of A for God's sake, so the ring must match who you are.  Nobody gives a shit about my ring, because nobody gives a shit about the man.  Just ask your band, nobody cares about the man.  My crappy finances are proof of that.  The married men around here don't even wear rings.

You're scared, I can feel it all the way over here.  Of course, the obvious solution to your fear is to not leave the house and just stream.  Be a pampered pussycat that stays in the house.  But it seems to me that deep inside you actually love the danger, so you travel around, perform on stage and make all those personal appearances.  Right?  Tell me, why U do dat?  Ha?  It's that famous courage of yours, like getting on stage to play for the first time only this is just a different level.  Well, it's time to get back on the road again and make music with your friends.  Just don't go looking for trouble because trouble will come to you, so be ready.  Yes Honey it's difficult, what's easy is the way to hell.  Don't forget that you still have to stream!  That should help you keep out of trouble.  You're going to be fine Honey, InshaAllah.  Pray and be alert.  Ya Allah, please protect my Grace and her loved ones.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Give her the ring


Oh, I love that outfit!  You look like you're 15 again, except that you smiled more.  That's OK Honey, don't smile if you didn't feel like it.  This is serious business, after all.  Your expressiveness on guitar has become very precise.  A huge difference from how you played 6 months ago.

I saw the "Wine on Vensus" clip from Jimmy Kimmel live.  Nice typo, Jimmy.  And that's a nice perfect guitar solo, Honey.  Don't worry about the noise from the amp.  No noise no feedback, and you control that feedback quite well.  I also saw the video of your trying to play Stevie Ray on that big clunky guitar.  BB King's guitar isn't for you, Honey.  I don't think a Strat is you, either.  You're an SG girl.  "Little Wing" was great, of course.

Marriage is a serious business.  I want to remind you to get a nice engagement ring with the money that the crowd gives you.  Show me the ring, and I will get a silver ring for myself and show it to you to confirm our commitment.  My finances suck ass, so it will take me a few months to pay for it.  InshaAllah.  An engagement ring must be worn 24/7.  I cautioned you some time ago that you will need that ring if you had followed the political path, which you did.  Anyway, the crowd is very much involved with our lives now.  Trust your instincts.  Avoid being seen if you can, when you feel like it's hazardous.  Please pray.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

188.  Say, "I have no power over any good or harm to myself except as Allah wills.  If I had knowledge of the unseen, I should have multiplied all good and no evil should have touched me.  I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad tidings to those who have faith."

The Heights 7:188

Friday, August 30, 2024

Big ole squid


When you feel afraid, hide behind me.  Tell them you are my wife InshaAllah, and tell them to deal with me.  Please pray.

It's timing that you announced you will be playing at a hunger benefit.  I went out to buy groceries last evening.  I don't have much of a budget, so there was no room for anything new.  Just the usual burger patties and aging eggplant.  Plus my mom gave some basics like rice, flour, eggs etc.  I guess I can't say that I lack enough food.  What I'm craving right now is a big ole squid that I would grill over a charcoal fire.  Like that cuttlefish the guy in the video is eating.  

That's a beautiful beach where he caught that squid.  There are plenty of sandy beaches in this area.  Not in my home state though, the coast is mud.  But I used to go to an island nearby called Langkawi, that's where I remember sandy beaches with clear sea water.  That was a long time ago, now it's a luxury tourist attraction.

I want a big ole squid.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

More of the small


I wake up everyday at 3 or 4 am to do extra worship.  When I woke up this morning, I had that song playing in my head.  You sound great on acoustic guitar, you handle those heavy strings with great command.  That's not all I envy you.  I wish I had a Fender tube amp and 5 levels of gain, but all I have is a Belcat to try to record the world's greatest albums.  It be God's will.   The Belcat has a bigger speaker than the Marshall practice amps you see in the video, and at least it doesn't run on batteries.  They must have plugged into some pedals before going into that wall of practice amps, so it sounded somewhat OK.  If they had gone straight in, it would have been a wall of shit.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Do you believe in God, yes or no?  I can't marry you if you didn't.  Yes Honey, that is very clever how you named the intro to "Get On Now" in backwards.  I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.  Now please answer the important question, people are watching.

I found the cute video above yesterday, it's so funny!  You can't say that that guy isn't working, because he is.  One might wonder if it's just an act, but that dog is just so good!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tour America or tour the world?


Do you believe in God?  I can't marry you if you didn't.  And I can't make you a Muslim bride until after you put in some work at being a Rock Star, because Allah commands it in my case.  Perhaps Allah plans for you to be the next Taylor Swift.  Now that's global diplomacy.  It gives me plenty of time to observe your conduct.  Sigh, growing old sucks.

Let's watch a Taylor Swift concert!  This is the 1989 world tour.  That was 35 years ago, and she looks 20 something in this video.  I didn't realize she's that old!  I'm just kidding, I know she was born in 1989.  I didn't realize she's that old!  It's time for a change, right Honey?  Taylor Swift is obviously under a strict contract, otherwise there would be no way to maintain control of such a massive production.  World travel is dangerous, so there must be a small (or large) army for security.  Who knows what else her contract makes her do.  So what do you think of the show, Grace?  Sorry Taylor, I tuned out after "Blank Space", right at the "share the wealth" PSA.  I love the production though, especially the light show.  I love LEDs!  Maybe Grace will watch the whole show, she's a nice girl.

Maybe you should stick to US shows, Grace.  After all, you are already global so there's really no need for hazardous world travel.  England and Scotland might be OK, but you may cause riots.  Perhaps you can declare yourself an official US asset, and have the US military provide security.  That's up to you.  Don't overwork.  Keep safe, and have fun.  Guard your chastity.

Monday, August 26, 2024



Hi Grace!  How are you feeling, Honey?  I hope you are learning to pace yourself and taking care of your heart.  I'm doing OK here.  It's raining.  Which is great for me because I loathe hot weather, but I can't go anywhere.  Look, it's Vlad!  He's on TV!  It sure was nice for those guys to build a set just for you.  Overwork is a global phenomenon, Japan is the extreme.  Example rather, overwork is extreme.  Sure sometimes we have to push harder, but definitely not all the time.  Know this while you are young, that damage to the heart is permanent.  Use logic to gauge when to stop working, not how you feel.  Sometimes you feel like you have extra juice to spare.  Use that energy to enjoy life, and continue work tomorrow.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Number one


Hi Grace!  Feelin' hot  headed?  Honey, I have the feeling that your debut album is going to number one!  InshaAllah!  I'm so excited for you!  Please pray for success and always promote your music when you stream.  And don't forget to thank Allah when you get there.  Getting to the top of the charts will make the record companies more aggressive, and some of them are bad guys.  Don't sign!  Make sure your team is ready for this!  Get Nashville to back you up.  Do more Nashville shows.  Ya Allah, please protect my Grace and her loved ones.

When I was a small kid, I had fantasies of being on the record charts.  What are they anyway?  Some of them are weird.  "Alt Country", what's that?  Whatever, people seem to like the record charts, so it's obviously a marketing tool.  The British charts used to be especially strange.  But nowadays they're pretty much the same as the US charts.  It must be a result of corporate research.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

21.  As to those who deny the Signs of Allah and in defiance of right slay the prophets and slay those who teach just dealing with mankind, announce to them a grievous penalty.

The Family of Imran 3:21

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The sound guy


Yes Honey, you're really good at those trade offs.  I told you that you have a genius ear.  Mookie was going easy on you though but you could always move to the front of the stage and do a solo, while he can't go anywhere.  Oh you'll catch up to him, just keep at it.  I couldn't do such challenges myself, I'm out of practice.  Too much songwriting.  And that chick singer I have to work with consumes souls.  Your guitar giving feedback is its way of saying "You're losing!"  Feedback is a musical instrument, however.  Didn't you know that?  It's like an extra tool your electric guitar carries with it.  You can get feedback at low volumes by playing with all that gain you have, and that way you can practice in your bedroom various muting, volume, tremolo and position techniques.  Few people can master this.  Most of them just stand in front of the speaker, wave the guitar around and think themselves artists.

I used to do sound occasionally to help out some friends.  That's what a sound guy usually is: a musician who doesn't deserve to perform.  I guess "deserve" is a harsh word, but someone has to do sound.  And this someone has absolute control of how the crowd perceives your music.  It is wise to have a sound guy as another member of your band, just remember that it's not that simple.  PA stuff is expensive and heavy, and you can get into quarrels with venue, organizers and local government.  Rock and Roll!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Don't mess with my song


Yeah, that was exactly the answer I was expecting from you.  The correct answer is, "I love you too".  You're blessed that you're pretty.  PRETTY GIRL!  RIBBONS IN YOUR CURLS!!!  You just wait until I get my paws on you, I'm going to give you a big old smootch on the lips...
I once had a crush on the chick singer of my band.  She said, "Give me a break!" then quit the band the next day.
Yes Honey, I saw some concert footage of you at the SERPENT festival.  YouTube sent it to me.  Some of Slash, too.  Guitar sounds puny overall.  Slash too.  It must be the venue.  Honey you need to get a Marshall stack, get bold and ignore the sound man.  But nobody has the guts to do that anymore.  Oh, I also saw that other video of your band at the Underdog.  I'm sure you realize that it's easier get that kind of tightness in small clubs.  If you don't believe me, try getting that feeling next time you play a festival.  Yes, it can be done.  Consider it a nice little puzzle for you to figure out.

It seems to me that when people want to hear their favorite song live, they hope that it would sound the same as the record.  That's silly, right?  Just go home and play the record!  Actually, it's very serious.  I believe that when people hear their favorite song live, they want to hear it as the record but better.  Not sound better, but feel better.  Oh, they can be nasty about it.  You know this.  This doesn't apply to you as to what Mary does.  But it definitely applies to the singer.

Thursday, August 22, 2024



We don't share the same situation either, Grace.  Your life is marked and defined by significant events, while my existence is like sitting on explosives waiting for it to detonate.  It's been like this for years already, but the vibe gets more and more intense.  When "it" happens, it could go either way for me: either I can finally afford to build a house, get married, buy musical instruments, a car and eat steak, or you never hear Mary's voice and from me ever again.  And "it" could happen at any given moment.

Oh don't worry so much, whatever will be will be.  Thus actually, we're both sleepwalking!  Isn't that cool?  I must tell you that you looked beautiful at the MusiCares benefit.  I'm afraid I can't address whatever anxiety you have, that's something you have to tackle yourself.  It's part of having an active mind.  Some people think useless thoughts, others have constructive thoughts.  Why invest your anxiety on useless thoughts?  I'm actually a very nervous person, even though I don't show it.  It makes me a loud sleeper.  But when I'm sleepwalking, awake rather, I seem to function quite patiently.  Patience is the key, it actually solves all problems.

By the way, I love you.  Do you love me?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Yes Honey, I watched your interview on CBS mornings.  Is that really live TV?  You talked about your Opry debut, but they didn't show it.  Aren't you supposed to be in NYC in order to be with those guys?  They didn't even mention the billboard in Times Square, which would be a big deal for NYC.  To me it seems that interview was recorded between your benefit show and your Opry debut.

But that was the time Mary was sick.  Ugh, I won't forget that ordeal.  That would have been a true challenge for your improvisation skills, to jam along with a sick chick singer over vocal driven music.  I wouldn't blame you if you had abandoned the situation.  There were still all those people watching and listening, though.  If you had stuck to the gig, it would have been an honorable act for many to witness.  I'm sorry Honey, but she didn't get sick on purpose and she had to work regardless.  What happened was God's play.

I must say that you looked beautiful in that outfit during your album release show.  You looked better with the guitar on your shoulders.  Being on stage isn't the same feeling as being off stage for you, right?  That's where we're not alike Honey, to me they're both the same.  Just know that you're not invulnerable when performing, so please be cautious with the crowd.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Love dreamer.  I can only dream of love when I don't know what it is.  I don't know what happiness is, either.  I'm finalizing a mix for a song called "Interested", but I used the words "beautiful dreamer".  Ah, you went for a long drive in your car listening to your hit album!  I bet you were also thinking about your album release show and Jimmy Kimmel live.  I don't have the tendency to listen to my old stuff.  Either I hate it and refuse to hear it, or I like it and now it bores me.  Gotta keep moving on, you know what I mean.  I don't have a car but a motorcycle, and I used to go on long drives in the backwoods too.  Not anymore: I now have important routines to maintain, so I can't drive far.  I hate this damned motorcycle anyway: it's problematic and the kick starter keeps fucking up my hip joints that I can't walk straight sometimes.  Then an old guy at the mosque told me that there's a green snake living in my motorcycle.  He's right of course, but I can't seem to kill it.  It keeps getting away.

So, are you ready to be a celebrity?  You're going to need courage and patience.  We can't have credibility without celebrity nowadays, so please prepare your heart and mind.