Hi Natty! What's going on, Honey? Making the big bucks? Good for you! Get it while you can, Honey. Please keep safe and healthy, and don't forget to have tons of fun! Sorry Mary was one hour late today folks, that was my fault. Parents. I did however, discover bread stuffed with creamy lentil dip. Very delicious! Alhamdulillah! No photographs, though. It's hard to do food photography while under attack from 7 fluffy vultures. I'll try harder next time.
It's concert night tonight! Michael Jackson HIStory World Tour live in Johannesburg, South Africa October 12, 1997. Whatever you may say about Michael Jackson, he was a hard working man. I haven't finished watching this show yet. I dropped out during the Jackson 5 medley. I used to be a big Michael Jackson fan, though. In fact, I recall during an early incarnation of Shadowplay during a pause in a song called "Vivisection", my doing the Michael Jackson "Ew!", that the guitar player was compelled to say, "Dude, don't do a Michael Jackson!" Don't bother looking for it folks, you're not going to find it. Mary said she can't do a Michael Jackson cover. She said she can't feel it. I guess it's for the best. Leave Michael alone, Mary.
Mary's outfit is:
.:EMO-tions:. * Geraldine* Hairstyle
Artizana - Adere II - Sundress
Lazuri Cocoa Island SE Violets Earrings
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