Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Yet another another average day


What a beautiful girl!  Natty, those are awesome snapshots, and you look so hot!  I can tell that that's a professional photographer, and not just anybody with a cell phone.  It looks almost like a portfolio for a dating service, except that you don't need makeup.  Hm.  Well whatever it is you and your society is planning, I'm sure you will have fun at it.  Please protect your chastity and safety.

Me I'm not a free person, I am a prisoner of the music.  When you marry me inshaAllah, you will be marrying a prisoner and live the life of a prisoner's wife.  I can't even take you to the shore right now to see the sea even if I had all the money in the world, because it's closed off due to the Covid.  Poor Mary has it even worse.  We at Shadowplay give our lives to protect Mary Unknown7 for the sake of Allah.  Some people enjoy acting upon their jealousy thus making it obvious that they don't know and don't care about the terrible cost of having a gift like Mary's.

It's just another average day here for me.  Well I went to get my second dose of vaccine, I guess I don't do that everyday.  Actually I was supposed to go on Monday, but I got 18 confused with 16.  Otherwise, it's a normal day.  I ate out for lunch, the restaurants are open again.  Then I got a haircut.  I had to cook my dinner today though, I had made plans to do so.  It's chicken breast cooked in honey butter to go with beans and sliced bread.  Would you like to try some?

I've been watching videos of dental scaling lately, I find it more entertaining than the pimple popping videos.  They crack out huge chunks of tartar while you rarely get to see a really satisfying zit pop out a cupful of solidified grease, the amount oozed is usually quite tiny.  And the music for this video is the best!

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