Thursday, June 10, 2021

Eye strain


Aw Natty, do you envy your friends' romance?  Or do you feel left out?  You're not left out, you know.  I love you, and I give my life to you.  So please don't strain your eyes at what other people have.   There is a balance to everything, and you wouldn't want to have their problems.  Have you considered that others envy us?  You know that is so.  I don't care so much about envy.  I just want to be with you always.  We will take long walks together.  We will drive around the countryside together.  We will go grocery shopping together, and pick out fruits and vegetables for your smoothies.  We will go to the tropical beaches nearby and have picnics on the sand.  InshaAllah.

Honey, please!  You MUST be optimistic.  Not just for us, but also because you have chosen sales as a career, and sales is very emotional work.  So you must cheer yourself up everyday.  It's not just your heart and feelings anymore, you take me with you whichever direction you choose to go.  So please be positive, and don't covet.  Allah will bring us together, and everything will work out fantastically for us inshaAllah.

All that staring at a computer/cell phone causes eye strain.  Please take care of your eyes, because bloodshot and swollen eyes are not photogenic.  You have a professional responsibility to maintain your health and beauty.  So take naps.  Use eye medicine.

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