Monday, May 3, 2021

Hi Natty!


How are you, Honey?  I hope you are having tons of fun and keeping safe and healthy.  I love you!  I'm just sitting here waiting for them to call the sunset prayer so I can drink my iced tea and eat my mangoes.  I'm having ramen tonight for dinner.  I love ramen!  I usually have ramen for lunch, but I miss it so much I have to have it for dinner.  So I'm just sitting here wasting time, watching TV.  Oh did you see Billie Eilish on the cover of Voggooey magazine?  Isn't she supposed to be 19 years old?  She looks older.  No Billie, you can't do whatever you want. No one can.  Want is a pretty strong word, too.  What if you didn't want anything?  I want my Natty!

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