Thursday, March 4, 2021

Processed yet pure

 Oh Natty, I love that freshly showered face.  It's so sexy.  And I can't even see your body.  When I get done with you, you're going to need another shower.  And another.  And another.  And another.  Let's just sleep in the shower.  It looks like when I marry you inshaAllah, I'm going to turn into a drug addict.  Sex, Viagra, and Rock and Roll.

I've been chowing down on fresh tofu and fish balls all day.  Lunch, dinner, and in between, all I ate today was fresh tofu and fish balls.  That tofu looks great, right?  It's super high quality.  It doesn't need salt or cooking or anything, it just needs to be fresh.  I was at the market this morning, and I got 5 blocks of tofu and a kilo of fish balls.  The fish balls are fresh, too.  You can keep them in the freezer and they will be OK to use, but not the same as fresh.  Now you don't eat the tofu and fish balls together.  Have a spoon of tofu, swallow it down, then put a fish ball in your mouth.  Munch and swallow that down, then tofu, then fish ball, and so on.  I wash it down with my unsweetened rose pekoe iced tea with aloe vera chunks.  I think you would love this food as much as I do, Natty.  It's as pristine as those berries of yours.  Processed yet pure.

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