Hi beautiful Natty! How's life as a glamorous supermodel? I hope you're having fun wherever you are. Please show us some snapshots of your food! I'm sure the world would love to see that, me included. I didn't prepare anything too complex today. For lunch, I had ramen. I love ramen! I guess you could call my ramen complex. I've stopped using those seasoning packets that you would normally find inside packets of ramen. Instead, I buy ramen by the 10 pack, without any seasoning packets. A saving of 50%! Plus, the latest batch of miso is really good. Mix that in with a seaweed broth, and you're ready to go. Today I added some fish jerky flakes (I had to use the stuff up or throw it away). It hurts my tummy, but I washed it down twice in the sink before putting it in the soup. The Japanese would use bonito flakes for their broth, but we don't have that here. Instead there is a wide variety of salted fish, which I plan to use for broth once I get rid of this fish jerky stuff.
Mango flowers aren't suitable for bouquets, and they are seldom as pretty as the snapshot above. But they are a labor of love, for sure. Looks like this year's fruit season will peak right at the beginning of Ramadan inshaAllah. There is always some early fruit and some late stragglers, but I intend to keep an eye on them all. This year it looks like cashews, horseradish beans, 3 types of mangoes and some bananas should all ripen at the same time. I don't know what to do with the horseradish beans. The only thing I can think of is a sushi condiment, and there's far too many of them to do that. I'll give it all away to the locals, and they make curry out of them. I don't think I would have time to experiment with the stuff. Well, maybe once. Watch out, tummy! I'm going to make sweet mango pickles this year inshaAllah. Those things will last a long time, and maybe I can make them as good as cucumber pickles. I finished making one harvesting pole with a wire mesh catch this evening, I'm going to make another pole specially for harvesting the horseradish beans.