Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Yet another average day

 Hi Natty!  What's going on over there?  Have you caught election fever?  I suppose it's kind of an interesting one this time.  I think it might get rowdy, so please try to stay indoors and avoid people.  It's another average day here for me.  The cat keeps on taking my knee pillow, so I went downtown to buy another one.  I ate out for lunch.  Today's theme ingredient is rice vermicelli: soup for lunch, fried for dinner.  I suppose I could have cooked something else, but instead of buying ingredients I bought junk food.  And I had a lot of rice vermicelli at home, so there you go.  These are a couple of snapshots on Google, not exactly what I made nor ate but I don't really bother taking photos of my food anymore.  Too lazy.  Stock photos will do.  Want some?

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