Saturday, October 3, 2020

Meal planning

 Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are trying to relax and enjoy yourself.  I actually envy your location, but it's nice and cool here lately so I can't complain.  The whole world is in flux everywhere, so try to be accepting of where you are, kick back and enjoy the show because it's a doozy.  The virus is constantly mutating, and though the health department here is very quick and clever, they seem to be always playing catch up.  I have doubts about the effectiveness of any vaccine, so the best thing to do is to keep your distance from other people, and neutralize even the slightest sensation of a cold or flu symptom.  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed.

Isolation comes naturally to me, and I'm quite pleased with it even though I long for my girl.  I like my own cooking: Allah taught me how to cook alhamdulillah, and I prefer my own cooking most of the time.  Time constrains, but at least I don't have to eat quarantine food.  When we are together inshaAllah, we must plan all our meals.  It's romantic, we can go shopping together, it's a reason to live.  I like to eat only 2 meals a day.  These days, it seems easier than ever to get bloated: even the poor are bloated now.  Anyway, I had fry bread for lunch and I ate that with some curry I bought at the corner restaurant.  I had some curry left over, so I made curry pup stuffing.  I'm pleased that my curry pup recipe is improving, but I had a lot of stuffing.  I had curry pups yesterday, I didn't want it again today.  But I have plans Monday so I didn't want to get stuffed tomorrow evening for fear of carrying around excess waste, so I had curry pups again for dinner today.  It's a good recipe, and man-sized portions so alhamdulillah.

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